

Subject: Motions from 10/8/99 meeting

Here are the final (amended) versions of the motions:

1. That the representative assembly make the correction of
salarly poblems for full time faculty, specifically compression
for tenure track faculty and inadequate salary for instructors,
a major focus of its efforts for 1999-2000, with regular
monitoring of the progress toward a solution, and
that this priority be reflected in the meeting agenda.
(10 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention)

2. That the representative assembly request that the
administration and the personnel and benefits committee
clarify the extent of the tenure track salary compression
problem and the inadequate instructor salary problem,
and provide estimates of the costs necessary to correct them.
(10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions)

3. That the representative assembly request that the
administration, after consultation with the faculty and
university budget committee, and the personnel and benefits
committee, draft and execute a plan to substantially correct
the tenure track salary compression problem and the inadequate
instructor salarly problem, preferably over a time period
not to exceed 3 years.
(9 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions)

4. That the representative assembly create a committee
to implement strategies for convincing the Chancellor,
the President of the University, the state legislature,
and other relevant authorities, to address this problem
with appropriate financial support.
(6 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstentions).