November 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

November 11, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Michael Brunn, Charlie Wang, Jackie Berning, James Stevens, Rick Peterson, Tom Zwirlein, Brian Burnett, Jim Henderson, Weldon Lodwick

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from October 2005 by Jenenne Nelson

Seconded by Tom Napierkowski

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Brian Burnett: update on construction plans:

Three major constructions project starting next year. March 2006 we will break ground between Summit Village and Alpine Village for the new 12 million dollar Student Recreation Center.

Dwire Hall is to be renovated. CCHE has made Dwire the number two project on the state wide list for 3.5 million dollars. Dwire construction will begin after the spring semester 2006 and be complete August of 2007. We are working on a plan to put classrooms and offices from Dwire to other locations on campus.

The science and engineering building will begin construction in summer 2006 completed in fall of 2008.

The North Nevada development will begin this spring with Costco opening in fall of 2007.  UCCS is part of the development of North Nevada.

Jim Henderson: The search for a permanent Dean of Students will move forward, the position description is being developed now.

Money is being allocated to create a position that is coordinating efforts on retention.

A satisfaction survey is being distributed to faculty and students evaluating Student Success division.

The College of Education is working on making the Student Affairs in Higher Education master’s program a stand alone master’s degree.

The governor appointed the Colorado Education Alignment Counsel to look at alignment of K-12 diploma in terms of work force development and higher education. Jim Henderson is one representative on this counsel.

Weldon Lodwick Chair of Privilege and Tenure for the CU System: P & T investigates grievances from faculty as defined by faculty senate. P&T holds formal hearings for dismissals. P &T is 30 faculty members organized in four panels, each panel has a panel chair. The panels are responsible for individual cases. For guidelines visit the webpage below.


Officer Reports (system wide):

President’s Report attached

Discussion about high school teachers teaching college level courses. The students taking these college classes in high school tend to view the high school teacher in the same way as a college professor. The CU succeed program allows high school teacher to teach courses for credit. The teaching excellence committee and EPUS are looking into this and determine if this is something we want to be involved in.

Vice President’s Report

Colleges have been making appointments to Faculty Assembly committees and they are not authorized to do so.  All appointments are to be made by the President of Faculty Assembly according to the bylaws.

Past President’s Report

Need the faculties input on the qualities you think are important for the new president of the CU system. Email your suggestions to by Tuesday, November 15.

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

No Report


No report

Personnel and Benefits

Minority Affairs Committee

Minutes attached

Women’s Committee

No Report

Academic Computing

No Report

Non Tenured Track Faculty

No Report

Research Council

No Report


No Report

Teaching Excellence Committee

No Report

Sustainability Committee

No Report

Athletic Department

No Report


The base salary initiative was referred to the personnel and benefits and research committee.


Announcements and Information

There are a series of open forums with the Academics Master Plans Committee.

Faculty Dependents Scholarship Program has been updated on the Faculty Assembly website.


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.35 pm.