November 2006
Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting
November10, 2006
Attendance: Bob Durham, Ron Fitz, Pamela Shockley, Edwardo Portillos, Tom Zwirlein, Ceil Malek, David Moon, Dick Discenza, Brian Burnett, Pam Carter, Jim Null, Kelli Klebe, Jackie Berning, Valerie Brodar, Livia Gilstrap, Chuck Beck
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
No Motion to approve the minutes from October 2006
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley:
NCA reviewers will be here Sunday evening. The Vision 2010 goals are still the officially adopted campus goals. This is a recap of the Vision 2010.
2003: SILO is designed to refine strategies to achieve goals set in Mission 2010.
2004: Inventing the Future developed a contingency plan in the event a statewide referendum altering state tax funding did not pass.
2005: Seven - Year Growth Plan: A financial plan created to support Vision 2010. The CU Board of Regents approved the plan.
2006-2007: Strategic Planning: CU President Hank Brown initiates a new campus-based strategic planning process and seeks to build on previous efforts and to coordinate requirements for CCHE.
All faculty should attend the faculty forum with the NCA reviewers next Tuesday.
Next month there will be a discussion about a new evaluation process for administration, including faculty assembly.
Brian Burnett:
Construction is going well on the new recreation center and for Dwire everything is on schedule. The street construction at Austin Bluffs and Nevada is actually ahead of schedule. Starting in January they will begin construction on the road connecting University Hall with the rest of campus. Heller property should be complete in about a year. Science and Engineering is starting the construction of the new building.
David Moon:
Tuesday at 2:30 the faculty assembly is scheduled to meet with some of the reviewers in UC 303. There is an open forum for all of faculty with the reviews at 3:30.
The Deans Council has been working on drafting some language to flesh out the academic strategic plan. It will then go to EPUS this month.
Officer Reports (system wide):
President's Report attached
Vice President's Report
No Report
Past President's Report
No Report
Reports From Standing Committees:
EPUS: Report
Will meet next Friday the topic is the Academic Ethics Code.
No Report
Personnel and Benefits
Minutes attached
Minority Affairs Committee
Minutes attached
Women's Committee
No Report
Academic Computing
No Report
Non Tenured Track Faculty
Minutes attached
Research Council
No Report
A draft was circulated to Library Committee members regarding the funding the Library receives. The Library is going to ask the Faculty Assembly to recommend a 8% increase. Library Advisory Committee motion
The committee was asked to look at what an 8% increase will look like over the next 5 to 10 years, and to project how the increase will be spent.
Teaching Excellence Committee
No Report
Sustainability Committee
Report attached
Athletic Department
Student Athletic Association had a trick or treating event for local schools here on campus.
The candidates for the CU Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research
The first candidate Michael Poliakoff
The second candidate Dominic Aquila is the email to respond to the interviews with the candidates.
Livia Gilstrap made three motions 1. To accept the nominations of Dick Discenza and Chuck Beck as the faculty representatives for the College of Business to Faculty Assembly. 2. To accept the first 3 faculty to volunteer to fill the 3 faculty council seats without an election. 3. To hold an election if more than 3 faculty volunteer for the positions.
Valerie Brodar seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.