November 2007
November 9, 2007
Attendance: Paul Sondrol, Livia Gilstrap, Ron Fitz, John Harner, Josh Dunn, Monique French, Morgan Shepard, Tom Napirekowski, Tom Zwirlein, Jenenne Nelson, Sylvia Martinez, Jackie Berning, Bob Durham, Kelli Klebe, Eddie Portillos, Judith Rice-Jones, Linda Crawford, David Anderson
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
Reports of Visitors:
Chancellor Pam Shockley:
Reported reopening the search for Provost. Administrative Review by faculty and staff is proceeding apace. Reported that UCCS acquired ten acres of land near Bethel Nursing, although not contiguous nor is water, sewer installed. Finally, she discussed the concern expressed by some regarding the “tone” of the Scribe (ethics and professionalism v. free speech).
Vice-Chancellor Peg Bacon:
Reported on plan to bring the new, proposed department of Women and Ethnic Studies, as well as a new, B.S. in Biology. Dr. Bacon also reported the creation of a task force (T. Napirekowski, T. Huber - Chair, Kelli Klebe) to re-examine departmental criteria for promotion and tenure. The task force will analyze the Iowa State University model that takes a “broader look” as to what constitutes scholarship.
Robert Wonnet:
Reported the formation of a team (Public Safety, Dean of Students, and Counseling) to meet on a monthly basis and respond to student/faculty concerns regarding disruptions in classes and generally on campus. He also hopes to have the team speak to the Assembly sometime in the spring.
President’s Report:
Dr. Null discussed grade changes (IWs, IFs).
Vice-President’s Report:
Professor Berning continued in this regard, discussing the possibility of uniform, web-based grading procedures proposed by Boulder and urged Assembly Representatives to discuss these issues with faculty. She closed by stating the administration’s commitment to better communicate with faculty on issues and their need for feedback.
Past-President’s Report:
Tom Napirekowski reported two candidates in the running for Library Dean, and gave a schedule of their Campus/Faculty presentations. Tom also discussed the system search for the position of Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research, urging the Assembly to pass the word to those possibly interested in applying.
Reports From Standing Committees:
EPUS (see New Business)
Budget Committee
No Report.
Academic Computing
David Anderson reported that Campus Wireless is all but completed; instructions are at the IT help desk. Also, hundreds of social security numbers are on computers and individuals will be contacted for security reasons. Computer upgrades; contacting those on priority list.
Research Council (ad hoc)
Jenenne Nelson discussed research in the campus mission statement, and, regarding the Diversity Plan, argued that UCCS fund more diversity research. Dr. Nelson next discussed the proposed Nevada Research Park (within the next two years) and the need to partner with a developer, and will report back to the Assembly over the next two years. President Null said that perhaps Research Council could be made a standing committee and invited Professor Nelson to the next Executive Committee meeting.
Kelli Klebe introduced a motion: Send a letter to CRCW (Rob Sackett) to consider diversity as one criterion for CRCW grants. Motion Failed.
Minority Affairs
Eddie Portillos reported that the fall reception for new faculty was a success. Diversity training also went well. He also reported a discussion in committee supporting/recommending Kee Warner for the permanent position of Assistant Vice-President for Diversity.
Women’s Committee
No Report.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
No Report.
Library Committee
No Report.
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
No Report.
Sustainability Committee
Judith Rice-Jones reported progress in establishing Sustainability minor. She passed around the published “Quality of Life Indicators for the Pikes Peak Region” for perusal; the data is not all that positive.
EPUS made the following motions:
- The Faculty Assembly supports endorsement of the ACE Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities as guiding principles for CU. Motion Passed.
- The Faculty Assembly requests that the Office for Academic Affairs work with EPUS to develop a policy on course repetition that would allow students to request that some courses not be used in the calculation of their GPA in a timely fashion so that such a policy could be incorporated into the new SIS changes if such a policy were adopted. This policy will include the following restrictions:
- The course repetition program may only be applied to 2 courses (not to exceed 10 credit hours)
- The original grade for a course must be a D+ or lower to be eligible for course repetition program
- The course repetition program will only apply to undergraduate courses taken at UCCS
- Course repetition eligibility ends at graduation
- The repeated course grade under the course repetition program will be the grade that is used for calculation in credit hours and GPA, even if the repeated grade is lower than the original grade
- the original grade will still appear on the transcript but will be removed from both total credit hour calculation and GPA at the end of the repeated term
- Students who receive a low grade due to academic dishonesty are never eligible to repeat that course at any time through the course repetition program. Motion Passed.
- Whereas Fall Graduation conflicts with the scheduled December Faculty meeting, the date of the meeting is changed from December 14 to December 7. Motion Passed.
Personnel and Benefits made the following motion:
The Personnel and Benefits Committee supports the sentiment of the Faculty Council Personnel Committee that UCCS should establish an ombuds office based on the successful, money saving and morale building faculty ombuds program at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Motion Passed.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting.
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.