November 2013
November 8, 2013
Attendance: Kelli Klebe, Brian Burnett, Mandi Elder, Michele Companion, Bob Durham, Tom Zwirlein, Vicki Brownrigg, Peggy Beranek, Morgan Shepherd, Barbara Frye, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Valerie Brodar, Suzanne Cook, Curt Holder, Lisa Hines, Cerian Gibbes, Roger Martinez, Norah Mazel, Anna Kosloski, Christina Martinez, Barbara Prinari, Janel Owens
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from October 11, 2013 meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Morgan Shepherd
Motion passed unanimously, with one abstention
Reports of Visitors:
Kelli Klebe, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Faculty Development: The Provost asked that I speak about the prioritization process, which has been requested by the Regents. Each campus has been asked to prioritize both their academic and non-academic programs. The Board of Regents provided a broad framework of what to do, but each campus will be able to tailor their process to fit their own mission, goals, resources, etc. The ultimate goal is to assist the Board of Regents in ensuring that our scarce resources are being wisely invested and to guide the future development of new programs and services. There is no plan to eliminate any programs and faculty and staff will be able to provide input. This will all happen fairly quickly, with a completion goal of next April. There is a core group consisting of the Chancellor, Provost, Brian Burnett, Homer Wesley, Robyn Marschke, Suzanne Scott and others to guide the process and input is needed by the end of the semester. The Provost will be meeting with each college's faculty to outline the process and in Spring, the data will be evaluated. Please send input to your dean or Mandi Elder as Faculty Assembly President. The attached handout explains in greater detail. All areas and departments will need to do qualitative inputs.
Brian Burnett, Senior Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
The state is recovering - the governor has $1 billion of new revenue in the state. There is an 11% increase in the state general fund; with $20 million in state support, this is the best condition since 2004. CCHE was allowed to submit 20 capital projects and the governor's office selected the VAPA project, which was #10 in the list. There is a proposal for a 1.5% increase for classified staff and 1.5% increase for merit. In-state tuition will cap at 6% (we'll probably increase 3-4%). The new academic office building will open in July 2014. A reminder that UBAC is open to anyone interested in attending. We do fight for the tax money from the state. UCCS has been the most conservative about asking for tuition increases. The Board of Regents is wondering why there are so many tuition increases and therefore, how do we justify our academic programs, especially the new ones? How do new degree programs measure up? UCCS has fewer degree programs than any other campus because we do a thorough analysis on each one and we don't have the flexibility to have under-performing programs. The prioritization process will be very transparent.
Officer Reports:
President's Report
Vice-President's Report
No report, but reminded the assembly about service next year
Past President's Report
Not present - no report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Personnel & Benefits
Budget Advisory Committee
Not met yet this month - meets next Thursday
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women's Committee
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Academic Computing
Not present - no report
Intercollegiate Athletics
No report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities
Revising policy and working on Faculty Assembly committee bylaws
- Motions:
- The Minority Affairs Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly bylaws be revised to amend the name of the "Minority Affairs Committee" to the "Faculty Minority Affairs Committee."
(Motion passed unanimously)
- The Minority Affairs Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly bylaws be revised to amend the name of the "Minority Affairs Committee" to the "Faculty Minority Affairs Committee."
- Discussion:
- Discussion topic on research and faculty development needs and wants was led by Kelli Klebe. Office of Sponsored Programs is expanding from 2 - 4 positions. Research needs to be strengthened since it is in our mission now. Some comments expressed by the assembly were: faculty development needs an emphasis on diversity and inclusiveness; use networks with other campuses; have more flexibility with grant writing program; instruction on how to do a book project; evaluate OSP forms and efficiencies; examine multi-disciplinary approaches to research; hold open forums to facilitate conversations.
- Discussion topic on Finals schedule alternatives was led by Mandi Elder. Finals schedule conflicts with graduation again this Fall - there are 148 conflict incidents this year. Options suggested are a 4-day Final schedule with 2-hour time blocks; maybe change the large graduation ceremony to localized college ceremonies (there is push-back from families of grads on this suggestion); take Finals in other room locations. Feedback from college departments is solicited - send feedback to Mandi as soon as possible.
- Discussion topic on research and faculty development needs and wants was led by Kelli Klebe. Office of Sponsored Programs is expanding from 2 - 4 positions. Research needs to be strengthened since it is in our mission now. Some comments expressed by the assembly were: faculty development needs an emphasis on diversity and inclusiveness; use networks with other campuses; have more flexibility with grant writing program; instruction on how to do a book project; evaluate OSP forms and efficiencies; examine multi-disciplinary approaches to research; hold open forums to facilitate conversations.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Michele Companion
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.