November 2014
November 14, 2014
Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Mary Coussons-Read, David Moon, Susan Szpyrka, Jennifer George, Michele Companion, Monique Dooley, Mandi Elder, Joe Postell, Mark Malone, Tom Zwirlein, Rhonda Glazier, Margaret Harris, Vicki Brownrigg, Bita Rivas, Monica Yoo, Rebecca Webb, Suzanne Cook, Curt Holder, Cerian Gibbes, Karen Livesey, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Norah Mazel, Barbara Prinari, Emilie Vrbancic, David Havlick
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from October 10, 2014 meeting by Joe Postell
Seconded by Mandi Elder
Motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor: Want to get discussion feedback on Personnel and Benefits presentation - we are very much in collaboration and agreement on the salary compression models. We want to move forward quickly in order to implement in January. The data bases need to be checked by hand since they are not accurate due to system changes. Update on HB 1319 - we were supposed to see models last week, but the models do not work. Next week is an all-day meeting, but so far we have no model to recommend to CHE. The government is required by statute to put this together by January 1. Since the governor was re-elected and there is no substitute budget, then the budget stays in place with a 10% increase to higher ed, which will probably avoid people taking cuts. Senator Lambert said he liked the governor's budget; not necessarily increasing money, but not taking money away. Another piece of the budget indicates that hospital provider fees will not count as state revenues just as tuition does not count as revenue, which will be very beneficial.
Tom Zwirlein, Chair of Personnel and Benefits: We have been working with the Leadership Team and Chancellor on the market adjustment model, which includes compression, grievances, competitive offers, etc. Please see the attached report for more detailed information. Basically there are four competing models we reviewed, with two potential models to work with: the CUPA model and the Z model (which is a market model compared to the external market). The Z model incorporates merit and years of service. Gender, race and ethnicity issues are kept separate. The CUPA model portrays a means salary by rank and discipline compared to individual faculty salaries, which are adjusted up to peer comparisons. In the Z model, the individual salary is compared to the CUPA mean and where there is a difference, an adjustment is made. How many years of service on campus is an adjustment in CUPA and brings the mean up - longevity is rewarded. For merit review, we look at the average merit in the department and measure against that. Whichever model is used, we need to stick with it because it will take about four years to evolve. We're now hiring closer to market than ever before. Personnel & Benefits likes the Z model a little better. Merit must be included - that is a Regent requirement. After further discussion, the assembly voted on the resolutions (see New Business).
Mary Coussons-Read, Provost: We are having meetings regarding the planning of a Faculty Retreat in the Spring. It will be a one-day retreat on undergraduate research and faculty workload and the probable date will be Thursday, February 5. We will also spread out some other faculty sessions over the semester as reinforcement. There is a new APS on service involved in RPT criteria which is moving forward. Colleges need to look at revising their RPT criteria to include service and leadership. The non-tenure track faculty policy is out for final comment. The Board of Regents meeting will be held at UCCS on November 19 and November 20. Tom Wynn will be recognized as a distinguished professor at the meeting on November 20 and a campus reception celebration will be held for him next month.
Susan Szpyrka, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance: The faculty's help with intercollegiate student athletes is appreciated. We have 3 students who are high in both academic and athletic achievement - one in volleyball and two in soccer. One major item that came up in the Annual Budget Reviews is the condition of classroom furniture. We will be doing an inventory of classrooms and common space in order to establish a base funding model to start working on this issue.
Jennifer George, Legal Counsel: A presentation and discussion was given regarding CORA (Colorado Open Records Act), which states that we must disclose public records upon request. All records are open to review by the citizens of the state. Be sure to contact the Legal office when confronted with this issue.
Officer Reports:
Vice-President's Report:
No report
Past President's Report:
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
No report at this time - will meet next month
Academic Computing:
Not present - no report
Not present - no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present - no report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present - no report
- Representative's Reports - feel free to bring anything forward; review processes of deans and chairs - where to go for recourse; training
- Faculty Assembly will discuss the following resolutions:
- Resolution 1:
Whereas the timeline for the implementation of an uncompensated merit adjustment model is short, Whereas the Personnel and Benefits committee has been actively involved in discussions with the Leadership Team on behalf of faculty regarding the external market analyses, And whereas the final discussion on the market adjustment model will be due during Winter Break, Be it resolved that the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends that the Personnel and Benefits Committee be authorized to complete negotiations on the final market adjustment model with the Leadership Team.
(Motion passed with 16 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention)
- Resolution 2:
Whereas issues of gender, race, ethnicity, and [age] [years in service] are factors not included in an external market equity model, Whereas these issues remain important within the institution, at the primary unit level, Be it resolved that the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee unanimously recommends to the Chancellor and Leadership Team that an internal analysis of salaries and evaluations be conducted annually to identify and address inequities with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, [age] and years of service.
(Discussion involved semantics of how resolution was stated. Therefore, the following wording changes were proposed: 1) add the word [age] where indicated in red in both places in the resolution. This change in wording passed unanimously with 18 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions; 2) delete [years in service] where indicated in blue at the beginning of the resolution. This change in wording passed unanimously with 18 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions; 3) a vote was called for to remove [years of service] entirely from the resolution in both places where indicated in blue. This change in wording did not pass with 2 in favor, 12 opposed and 4 abstentions; 4) a final vote was taken to approve the resolution as amended. The amended resolution passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention.
- Resolution 1:
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Mandi Elder
Seconded by Anna Kosloski
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:57 p.m.