November 2015


November 13, 2015

Attendance: David Moon, Monique French, Barbara Prinari, Michele Companion, Bita Rivas, Mark Malone, Tom Zwirlein, Rhonda Glazier, Sherry Lee, Jill Bradley-Geist, Ying Fan, Barbara Frye, Monica Yoo, Pam Carter, Bret Windom, Ceil Malek, Suzanne Cook, Stephen Carter, Cerian Gibbes, Valerie Brodar, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Norah Mazel, Dave Anderson, David Havlick

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from October 9, 2015 meeting by Tom Zwirlein
Seconded by Stephanie Spratt
Motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions

Reports of Visitors:

David Moon, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education & Academic Planning:
An overview of the Council on Undergraduate Education, a successor to the Academic Planning Committee, was presented. It serves three main functions and has jurisdiction over the following: 1) the review and recommendation of new undergraduate degree proposals for approval; 2) the review of campus-wide undergraduate programs, such as the BI (Bachelor of Innovation); and 3) the review of undergraduate assessment. The previous assessment program (SAAC – Student Achievement Assessment Committee) struggled in some ways with its connection to the colleges, so by moving this assessment program under the CUE, there appears to be more connection to the colleges and it is working better. The CUE has representation from each of the colleges – Associate Dean + one faculty member. The Faculty Assembly President also sits on this committee or delegates another representative to do so. We have recently recommended to the Provost a new degree track in the BI as well as an overview of the current assessment program. One year from tomorrow, the HLC (Higher Learning Commission) will be on site for our campus accreditation visit. They are the largest of the regional accrediting bodies. One of their areas of emphasis is assessment and its usage in determining and improving student learning. Faculty are in the best position to measure this; assessment is meant to give faculty information on whether student learning is improving. We will be doing a campus survey to see how assessment is working, covering 58 different programs. We have been available to help and assist programs in their development of an assessment plan. Every single plan needs three different student outcomes. By December 1, about two-thirds of the programs should begin to implement their new/revised assessment plan, which is a good starting point. Ten – twelve programs need to make changes and are not complete yet and there are a few who have not started at all. By Spring, they all need to be done and ready by the end of the semester so that they are in place for the HLC site visit. Finally, there are a series of five campus meetings the Chancellor is hosting in five different buildings on campus to talk about various important campus issues. These meetings have already started and there is another meeting on 11/18/15 in University Hall and two more on 12/4/15 in other building locations. All faculty and staff are welcome to attend. Please check Communique for specific information on times and locations.

Officer Reports:

President’s Report

Vice-President’s Report
No report

Past President’s Report
Please make sure your college faculty know that you are their Faculty Assembly representative.

Reports from Standing Committees:


Personnel & Benefits:
The split for uncompensated merit - 45 tenure track and 55 non-tenure track faculty. After some discussion, the committee will look into both faculty hiring salaries and faculty promotion salaries across colleges.

Budget Advisory Committee:
Have not met yet

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee

Women’s Committee:
Not present – no report

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Have not met yet

Teaching with Technology

Not present - no report

Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present – no report



Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities

Reports from Representatives:

A. College Policy Documentation

1. What is the procedure for policies?
2. There is a new International Education Travel policy coming out for review and comments:
a. Chancellor approval required for certain travel
b. Global Engagement Office (GEO) has oversight of international travel
c. Policy will be coming out for review soon – please review; comments encouraged for feedback to EPUS
d. Faculty Assembly President will send policy drafts out to faculty-l email list for more specific notification

B. November Conversations at Clyde’s

1. This month’s date has not been set yet, but will be next week.
2. Bret Windom and Jill Bradley are coordinating.
3. Faculty will be notified by e-mail of date selected.

C. Blackboard Access

1. Access concern in posting to class without instructor knowledge/permission
2. Dave Anderson will review issue and report back at next month’s meeting.




A. Motion to approve EPUS document “Animals on Campus” Policy 400-012 as submitted by EPUS.
     (Motion passed with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Michele Companion
Seconded by Pam Carter
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:01 p.m.