November 2017
November 10, 2017
Attendance: Venkat Reddy, Susan Szpyrka, Tom Christensen, Michael Sanderson, Rebecca Laroche, Maja Krakowiak, Melissa Benton, Barbara Prinari, Norah Mazel, Andrea Hutchins, Pam Carter, Eileen Gerrard-Gough, Margaret Hunt, Carole Traylor, Kaitlyn DeGhetto, Martin Key, Matt Metzger, Andrea Bingham, Patty Witkowsky, Jugal Kalita, Les Tekamp, Leah Chandler Mills, David Diamond, David Havlick, Leilani Feliciano, Andrew Lac, Sarah Treschl, Glen Whitehead, Kristi McCann, Wendy Haggren, Nicole Huber, Kathrin Spendier, Michael Landon-Murray, Monica Yoo, Christine Robinson Coon, Lori Notestine, Dave Anderson
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from October 13, 2017 meeting by Norah Mazel
Seconded by Barbara Prinari
Motion passed with 22 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions
Reports of Visitors:
Venkat Reddy, Chancellor:
Campus updates: The fatal hit-and-run accident involving one of our students last week raised several safety issue concerns and we are looking at various options. The budget proposal looks very good with a 10% increase to higher ed. Paul Harvey will receive the Distinguished Professor award next week at the Board of Regents meeting. UCCS has just signed a Strategic Relationship Agreement with Cisco Systems Inc., making us the only university in the world to enter into this type of agreement in the area of cybersecurity. We will be working closely with the National Cybersecurity Center as we implement this agreement. I just returned from a trade mission journey to India with Governor Hickenlooper and the opportunities look very promising. This trip gave UCCS good exposure, which should result in being able to obtain more involvement with and recognition of our university. There has been some discussion about the elimination of Boulder's course program fees, but we cannot afford to eliminate them. Regent Ludwig's CU Online Proposal presentation is on today's meeting agenda for discussion - this is moving forward. Our students are doing some fundraising work to support the DACA students tonight at Café 65. There are also some fundraising plans in the works for cyber security initiatives, which will result in good exposure opportunities for UCCS. We are also looking at more funding for concurrent enrollment programs. Another opportunity for funding concerns the teacher shortage in rural Colorado. I will be joining Stephanie Hanenberg in presenting at the American College Health Association Mental Health Symposium Crisis on Campus: Addressing the Rising Mental Health Demands of our Nation's Students next week in Washington, D.C. We are very proud of our women's soccer team as they host the first and second rounds of the NCAA Division II Women's Soccer tournament today and Sunday at Mountain Lion Stadium. Our team will play the winner of today's game on Sunday. The opportunity to host the tournament is a result of the team's first-ever Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference tournament championship title win. A Town Hall meeting will be held next week, which will focus on student retention and graduation efforts and will feature both discussion and brainstorming opportunities.
Susan Szpyrka, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
The state budget was released November 1 from the governor's office and we are preparing two different scenarios for 2018-19. State support comes with restricted tuition increases. The first look at our budget goes to the Board of Regents in February. There will be a more detailed look at our budget at the UBAC meeting at the end of the month. The topic of space on campus is always a difficult situation. We are looking at moving HR to University Office Park in order to open that area in Cragmor for student services. We have found that over 95% of contacts made to HR are being done by either phone or e-mail. We are also looking at increasing space for academic areas, especially the Math department.
Tom Christensen, Provost:
There are two main topics - search updates and the online resolution report by Regent Ludwig. The status of the AVC for Inclusion and Academic Affairs search is very near conclusion. An offer has been made and the applicant has been contacted to discuss contract options with the CU system. The Business Dean search concluded today with the campus visit of their third candidate. The Engineering Dean search begins with their first candidate's campus visit starting on Monday. The VCAF search process is moving along well with airport interviews scheduled for next week. The plan is to bring those successful candidates to campus after Thanksgiving. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Provosts of the CU campuses have reviewed and modified the online resolution report by Regent Ludwig. The modifications include being more generic in the goals and leaving it up to the individual campuses on how to implement the goals; offer more alternative start times and more flexible scheduling for online degrees; and shape the future of online education for the CU system, but doing that with cooperation between the campuses to push online further. We already have a good online culture, so we should view the positives in the resolution and continue to work in this collaborative effort by closely working with the CU Provosts.
Michael Sanderson, Assoc. Director of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity:
There have been some issues and concerns expressed about faculty travel authorization pre-approval for traveling abroad. An informational handout was distributed to the assembly representatives that explains APS #4024, which sets forth the university requirements for authorizing official university business travel. In addition, an Export Control Information document was also distributed (attached).
Rebecca Laroche, Campus Chair of System Privilege & Tenure Committee:
New campus chair, replacing Richard Dukes - has been on the committee for two years. The roles of the committee and chair are not always clear. The P&T Committee, through its panel structure, conducts investigations and mediations of, and hearings on, grievances concerning faculty rights, privileges, and tenure, including reappointments with or without tenure, promotions, post-tenure review and suspensions, that are submitted by members of the Faculty Senate. Their website contains very helpful information. A faculty grievance can be submitted to the committee, after meeting with the chair first to determine if this is the best way to proceed. The grievance goes to panel review after submission and then on to two investigators. Mediation can enter into the process at any time - they have neutrality. There are two retirees who have left the committee and Tom Huber is retiring and will also be leaving soon. We need all-college representation on the committee and need new members. All members of the CU general faculty, including full, associate and assistant professors, as well as non-tenure track instructors, are eligible. It is also helpful to have some review process experience. Please contact Rebecca for more information.
Officer Reports:
Past President's Report:
No report; Research Task Force has met and is moving forward
Reports from Standing Committees:
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee:
Not present - no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present - no report
No report - did not meet
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities
Not present - no report
Reports from Representatives:
Motion 1
The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly endorse the revisions to UCCS policy 200-019: Student Academic Ethics Code.
(Motion passed with 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)
Background for Motion 1: A large amount of the policy was technically procedures for dealing with an academic ethics code violation - these have been relocated to the appropriate location for procedures (Appendix B). Additions concerning the Graduate School were incorporated in the new version.
Motion 2
The Sustainability Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly adopt the attached resolution.
(Motion passed with 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)
Discussion 1
Term limits for administrators - postponed till next meeting
Discussion 2
Future presidential searches - postponed till next meeting
Discussion 3
Regent's CU Online Proposal - many discussion points were brought up, to include:
-Retention question - online has lower rates
-Quality of online instruction, especially the social factor of interaction, person-to-person, campus community sense
-Cost aspect - cheaper and detrimental to enrollment
-Better guidance needed before directing students online, and some restrictions are needed
-Online not suitable for everyone - not best teaching method
-How much investment is put into the infrastructure of a course to validate it?
-How much demand is there? We already offer them, but they're not as popular.
-Who teaches online classes (quality)?
-High impact practice - online is not mentioned, how does it fit?
-Where is the business plan to show profit of online? And demand?
-What is the tie to the outside community and employable positions?
-The bigger mission is to holistic education and the mental health wellness of the students.
-Limited social skills
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Dave Anderson
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:59 p.m.