October 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

October 14, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Sue Byerley, Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Elissa Auther, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Heather Albanesi, Michael Brunn, Ceil Malek, Charlie Wang, John Szpyrka,  Tamra Wilson, Charlie Shub, Jackie Berning, James Stevens, Kathryn Andrus

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from May 2005 by Jenenne Nelson

Seconded by Valerie Brodar

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Assistant Vice President Jeff Cheek - Los Alamos Project

Two handouts were distributed

  1. CU affiliation with the University of Texas Network for Science and Technology Education and Research, LLC and Los Alamos National Laboratory. A time line and fact sheet on how the affiliation with the University of Texas and Lockheed Martin came about.
  2. A list of 19 universities that have agreed to participate in the consortium

A CU affiliation with an industry-academic management team would be mutually beneficial because it would endow the universities with easy access to LANL physical research support infrastructure while providing the Lab in return with peer and program review capabilities.

University of Texas /Lockheed Martin and University of California/Bechtel are both bidding for LANL management and operations. The bid winner will be announced on Dec. 1 of this year, following a transition period, is expected to assume LANL management and operations by June1, 2006.

Officer Reports (system wide):

President’s Report

The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is putting together a steering committee for development of the academic master plan and has asked for representatives from Faculty Assembly to join the steering committee. Valerie Brodar volunteered.

Vice President’s Report

Colleges have been making appointments to Faculty Assembly committees and they are not authorized to do so.  All appointments are to be made by the President of Faculty Assembly according to the bylaws.

Past President’s Report

The first meeting of the Presidents Search Committee is scheduled for October 26. Jenenne Nelson will report on the outcome of the first meeting at the November FA meeting.

The advisory committee for the tenure related process is moving forward with the audit. Price Waterhouse was hired to conduct the external audit. This process should be complete in March or April and then presented to the faculty and external reviewers.

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report

The committee has been asked to come up with a title for people who have spent their careers in practice in the community and are now coming to the University to teach.

The intellectual property policy will come back to the campus for review this year.

We will have some role to play in the Base Salary Initiative proposal and the campus accreditation process.


No report

Personnel and Benefits

University benefits advisory board is updating its guiding principles. We are adding the principle that “a well work place is a good work place”.   We are eliminating references to the former president’s vision 20/10 from the plan; will include the current president’s plan.

Dental insurance is out for bid.

System level personnel committee is concerned about the presentation on information security such as raise information and program discontinuance policies and whether or not this information can be viewed by faculty governance.

Our campus is looking at how to best make the salary adjustments with tenure and non-tenure faculty.

Minority Affairs Committee


Women’s Committee

The deadline for request for proposals for small research grants is October 31, 2005. The maximum award is $500.

Academic Computing

In mid to late November we plan to pilot test the student portal with a small group of students. Roll out could be early to middle spring.

Pay for Print- a pop up screen is being utilized on lab workstations to show students how many pages they are printing and how much it would cost if they had to pay for printing.

The CU system wide security policy are being reviewed, there are 37 separate policies. There is a webpage that contains links to all the policies.

The web services department has moved to the Library.

Non Tenured Track Faculty

No Report

Research Council

No Report


No Report

Teaching Excellence Committee

We are introducing a series called Teaching in Action that is designed to make teaching a more public activity. New faculty and students will be invited to see the award winning faculty teach in the classroom. The series will demonstrate that teaching is a deliberate process.

We are also developing a teaching/ mentoring program.

The committee has declined the task of investigating the Base Salary Incentive Plan. We feel this is more appropriate for personnel and benefits.

Sustainability Committee

Athletic Department

The golf team won the conference tournament and qualified for the super regional. They are one of the top 32 teams in the nation.

Cross country team is national ranked.

Soccer team is doing better than last year.

Volley ball team is ranked first in the west, having won 16 games.


Base Salary Initiative

Research Counsel

Personnel and Benefits – None of these committees are ready to comment.


Non Tenure Track Faculty

They are asking for an ad hoc committee or task force to look into concerns of the NTTF. It was decided to form a task force.


Announcements and Information



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.