October 2007


October 12, 2007

Attendance: David Anderson, Bob and Ruth Fink, Jeff Dodge, Glenda Reiner, Jenenne Nelson, Jackie Berning, Sonja Tanner, Paul Sondrol, Ron Fitz, Morgan Shepherd, Monique French, David Moon, Tom Napierkowski, John Harner, Tom Zwirlein, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Josh Dunn, Livia Gilstrap, Bob Durham, Sylvia Martinez, Eddie Portillos

Call to Order/Approval of Minutes

Report of Visitors:

Chancellor Shockley:
Announced that she/others are taking a hard look at the proposed field house at Four Diamonds and is glad the idea of a temporary field house has been abandoned.  The Chancellor then outlined the new policy on the distribution of free publications on campus.  A discussion then followed.  Finally, she discussed how please she is with students and the high retention rates of current students.  Growth up by 2%.

Vice-Chancellor Moon:
Informed the assembly that a task force is underway to look at either retaining the current criteria for promotion and tenure, or to alter or modify same.  The Vice-Chancellor discussed the regent-mandated mentoring program, and the Honors’ Program that is on the cusp of being funded and hiring a Director.  The Vice-Chancellor also announced that a search committee looks to hire a Director of Admissions Services.    Finally, he reminded people to attend the open forums to discuss funding and the commitment to the Academic Strategic Plan.

M. Poliakoff:

From CU-Boulder, discussed Intellectual Diversity in the University and how to respond to President Brown’s MOU regarding academic freedom.  After discussion it was decided to forward this to EPUS the following week.

Bob Fink:

Ombudsman Fink discussed the role of mediators on all of the other CU campuses except UCCS.  Q and A followed regarding binding decisions, shield laws and confidentiality.

Jeff Dodge:

New Editor of the Silver and Gold, Dodge is making the rounds to solicit feedback on the paper.  Discussion followed regarding editorial policy and why there are no cartoons!


President’s Report (No Report)  Jackie Berning presiding in Jim Null’s absence.

Vice-President’s Report (No Report)

Past-President’s Report

Past-President Napierkowski, chair of the search committee of the Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs (an internal search), asked if anyone was interested in applying.  He then discussed the Faculty Work Task Force (headed by Tom Huber) that is trying to determine what “scholarship” means and the relationship between faculty work and rewards.  Finally, he reminded the assembly that there was only one Strategic Budget and Planning Forum left (October 25).

Reports From the Standing Committees:

After initiating a discussion of the pro’s and con’s of changing the number of outside letters Kelli Klebe initiated a motion that overwhelmingly passed, lowering the number of outside letters for promotion and tenure from 4 to 3.

Personnel and Benefits:
Tom Zwirlein urged fast-tracking the ombudsman position at UCCS.  He discussed the Wellness Program and Boulder’s lack of response to questions and problems at UCCS.

Budget Committee:
No Report.

Minority Affairs:
It was announced that a reception for new faculty members would be held on October 19, and that an inclusiveness training pilot workshop would be held on November 2 dealing with new faculty questions, issues and feedback.

Women’s Committee:
No Report.

Academic Computing:
David Anderson the Campus Wireless will be up and running in about two weeks.  He then proceeded to discuss issues such as pandemic preparedness, security issues, and illegal music downloading by students.

No Report.


Intercollegiate Athletics:
Charlie Shub reported the possibilities of adding additional sports to the campus, such as baseball and men’s wrestling.

Judith Rice-Jones reported the recycling bins are a success.  She announced a call for a Sustainability Plan Oversight Committee to track progress in sustainability and informed the Assembly of a number of events (Fort Carson’s Sustainability Summit, Sustainability Day and Focus on the Nation.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Suzanne Cook discussed the need to clarify standards and processes regarding letters of appointment and reappointment.  She also discussed the fact that there are no committee representatives from the colleges of business and nursing.




A discussion of Friday/Saturday courses.


Motion to Adjourn.
Motion passes. 
Meeting Adjourned at 2:00pm.