October 2009
October 9, 2009
Attendance: Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Susan Szpyrka, Peg Bacon, Jim Null, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Peggy Beranek, Morgan Shepherd, David Anderson, Christina Martinez, Sylvia Martinez, Don Morley, Dorothea Olkowski, Charlie Shub, Andrea Hutchens, Bob Durham, Patricia Keilbach, Amanda Sinclair, Mariyam Thohira, Andrew Ketsdever, Linda Watts, Katie Kaukinen, Eddie Portillos, Ron Fitz
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from September 11, 2009 meeting by Jackie Berning
Seconded by Jim Null
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Peg Bacon:
The campus mentoring program is in full operation and has been very successful in helping new faculty. Each college has their own established mentoring coordinator to work with their new faculty in guiding them through the tenure review process. The Tenure Nuts and Bolts Workshop for tenure-track new faculty was held on Thursday, October 8, and was well-attended.
One of our faculty members was recently nominated as a distinguished professor. Donald Klingner, School of Public Affairs professor, was one of three University of Colorado professors nominated, reviewed by colleagues, deans and a committee of distinguished professors and recommended to President Benson, who will send their names to the Board of Regents for confirmation at their November meeting.
The campus initiatives the Leadership Team has introduced and been working on are currently underway. Peg is heading the academic innovations initiative consisting of several task forces; the largest one being the General Education task force, which will be meeting soon. These initiatives are made up of volunteers from throughout the campus, who will be contributing to the efforts and goals of each task force and initiative. The Leadership Team has also been told that the Regents want to revisit all strategic plans.
On Tuesday, October 13, at 3:00pm, there will be a presentation in the UC Theater by Senator John Warner concerning the importance of examination and involvement with the effects of climate change. Please encourage students to attend.
Susan Szpyrka:
Budget Sources and Uses for the colleges will go to the Regents in January. The Budget Office is currently working on putting together the documents, which the deans will see before they go to the Regents.
Facilities is transitioning from cooling to heating as they start to shut down chillers and fire up boilers. With the constant climate changes between warm days and cold days during the Fall season, issues arise with keeping temperatures moderate, so patience with this condition is appreciated. In addition, the custodial staff is still finding equipment left on during their odd hour rounds. Everyone's help in ensuring that lights, computers and projectors are turned off will be greatly appreciated.
Pub survey results are in and focus groups will finalize discussion later this month. The plan is to hire an architect the beginning of November and have the Pub completely redone in a year.
The Events Center Grand Opening is scheduled for January 22, 2010 at 4:00pm and there is talk about a live mountain lion (securely caged) being present for the event. This Fall, the student programming team which includes Office of Residence Life and Housing, First Year Experience, Recreation Center, Public Safety, Bookstore, Athletics and Campus Activities developed over 150 programs for students ranging from educational to academic supplemental to entertainment.
Back to the Bluffs, Homecoming and Parent's Weekend festivities are all planned for this weekend.
Chris Beiswanger and Eric Nissen:
A presentation on student recruitment was given to the assembly to show how software used in the recruiting process can affect retention. The presentation illustrated the Hobson's customer relationship management software paired with recruitment office practices. It was noted that recruiting the most qualified students impacts retention and the tools and processes recruiters use aid efforts to retain students overall. By using technology to connect with prospective students, the market reach is more expansive and more personalized due to system capabilities. It affords a more meaningful dialogue between the campus and prospective student and forms a connective bond that plays a key role in both recruitment and retention. In addition, the data collected helps guide future recruitment strategies and policies. It was emphasized how important faculty are in the recruitment process and how their interest and involvement with the recruiter's efforts are greatly appreciated.
Officer Reports:
President's Report
Report attached
Vice-President's Report
No report
Past President's Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
EPUS Report:
Report attached
Personnel & Benefits:
Don Morley said the salary grievance policy is ready to run by the Provost.
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Bob Durham said that UBAC is waiting for the numbers.
Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached - working on developing a web page; New Faculty Reception on 10/23/09 at 5:00pm in the Library 3rd Floor Apse.
Women's Committee:
FAWC Brunch held on 10/04/09 at the Chancellor's home with 50-60 women attendees.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached
Academic Computing:
No Report
No report - no one present
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Charlie Shub said that the first intercollegiate event will be held on 01/08/10 - a basketball double-header with Adams State College.
Report attached
Report attached - participating with Spectrum for Coming Out Day on 10/15/09
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Charlie Shub
Seconded by Jim Null
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.