October 2013

October 11, 2013

Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Mary Coussons-Read, David Moon, Susan Szpyrka, Mandi Elder, Michele Companion, Andrea Hutchins, Monique Dooley, Bob Durham, Peggy Beranek, Morgan Shepherd, Barbara Frye, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Suzanne Cook, Lisa Hines, Cerian Gibbes, Sonja Tanner, Norah Mazel, Anna Kosloski, Christina Martinez, Stephany Spaulding, Barbara Prinari, Janel Owens

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from September 13, 2013 meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Morgan Shepherd
Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:

Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
We are very close on releasing a record number of tenure track hires based on mix of dollar estimates in the budget. It’s more than last year and more than estimated in the strategic plan. Between tenure track and non-tenure track, there should be at least 20 new positions. We are finally having the dollars to do what we need to do. The Regents are requiring a prioritization process from all the campuses; we got a modest bump in funding this year, but after next year, there is a projected decline in the following year’s state revenue budget. It is being considered as one-time money. Further cuts may be dependent on passage of Amendment 66. The prioritization process will be rolling out soon for Deans and faculty input. There is a separate process for Academic Affairs. This is not a process of elimination, but some changes in structural alignment are possible; we are looking at where we need reorganization. We have the largest budget for investing we’ve ever had and we need to consider how we use the data to elevate the quality of education. In considering our investment strategies, we want to have equity across the campus. The Regents do expect more funding challenges before 2020. We’re back in negotiations on the community college 4-year degree bill. We are authorized to offer a BAS (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree, whereby if you get a welding 2-year degree, you can complete, with some core requirements, a 4-year degree that would include small business management, etc. There are a lot of developments that we need to stay on top of concerning this issue. We did get VAPA bumped up to 10 on the list of construction projects. We are also doing a lot of philanthropy work. Next year’s budget has a raise pool. We have to fight against any tuition increases as we are getting out of reach of our market. The Pell grant program is not getting expanded and we really need that. The work study program is a good program but we need it to be stronger. This is a fundamental attraction for all of our low income students. Our retention rate went up 4% and so did our graduation rate.

Mary Coussons-Read, Provost:
We are starting the process of establishing the permanent policy surrounding multi-year contracts for the non-tenure track faculty. We are putting together a taskforce to work on putting this process permanently in place so that we can issue more of those types of contracts. The academic program prioritization process is moving forward and the Chancellor will speak more about that. It is intended to be a positive process. The Board of Regents has asked that all CU campuses go through this process for academic and non-academic programs. More information will also be relayed through the Deans. David Moon attended the University Club October Luncheon which featured the VAPA Showcase and he told the assembly about how impressive it was. He felt that the program really captured the essence of the VAPA department and highlighted their interdisciplinary component, their connection to the community and their portrayal of the arts as a profession. The student performers were fantastic and the community got to see an outstanding showcase of VAPA.

Susan Szpyrka, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
We did hire a new Human Resources director who will start on November 25, 2013, and we have filled all the vacancies. Comp analyses are being done and the conflict of interest disclosure is required annually. Our new Compliance Coordinator is working on policies and changing forms. We are beginning preparations to self-operate campus food service. This is a business decision based on input and review of other models and the consensus that it is in the best interest for the university. The change from Sodexo-operated campus eateries and catered events to those staffed by UCCS employees will occur May 23, 2014. The Director of Food Services job will hit next week hopefully and there will be lots of job opportunities, including the opportunity for Sodexo employees to transition to UCCS employees at an upcoming employment fair. We will continue in our commitment to sustainability and we will be very focused in our theme for students that it is “easy to eat well at UCCS.” Student interest is high and the goal is to also employ approximately 75 UCCS students so that we can provide more on-campus employment opportunities for them. We are examining how to get UCCS as a platform instead of going outside the university to promote a healthier environment. Janel Owens and Nanna Meyer described the process further. We are building a new kitchen and dining hall to open Fall 2015 and the Lower Lodge will be remodeled in 2016. We will also have a staff nutritionist.

Officer Reports:

President’s Report

Vice-President’s Report
No report

Past President’s Report
No report


Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report

Personnel & Benefits

University Budget Advisory Committee:
Not met yet – will get out belated report later

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee

Women’s Committee:
Not met yet – 11/15/13 call for proposals for mini-grants up to $500

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Academic Computing:
Not present – no report

Not present – no report

Intercollegiate Athletics

Meeting on Monday, 10/14/13

Not present – no report

Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present – finishing a case





    1. The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee Bylaws  The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly has proposed to the Faculty Representative Assembly that the Bylaws for the Educational Policy and University Standards Committee be approved. (Motion passed unanimously)


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Michele Companion
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.