October 2014
October 10, 2014
Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Mary Coussons-Read, David Moon, Susan Szpyrka, Kelli Klebe, Monique Dooley, Joe Postell, Mark Malone, Rhonda Glazier, Margaret Harris, Vicki Brownrigg, Peggy Beranek, Bita Rivas, Monica Yoo, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Suzanne Cook, Curt Holder, Lisa Hines, Cerian Gibbes, Karen Livesey, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Norah Mazel, Barbara Prinari, Dena Samuels, David Havlick
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from September 12, 2014 meeting by Anna Kosloski
Seconded by Joe Postell
Motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
Currently spending an enormous amount of time on HB 1319 since being appointed to the Executive Advisory Group, which only has 3 representatives from higher ed. This group is looking at the various models concerning the new funding formula for higher ed in Colorado and the recommendations are required by the CHE in time to present the proposal to the Joint Budget Committee of the legislature by December 31 of this year, which is the fastest process of any of the other 30 states in the nation. Colorado is the only state putting the whole higher ed budget into this new formula all at once; most states are putting in a percentage phased in over a period of years. There was an important meeting at the Penrose House last night concerning this bill and we put out a major call to the community. Senator Lambert was there; Colorado Springs had a very good showing. The community is very supportive and overwhelmingly in agreement that there is not enough money for higher ed. UBAC will be looking at this all spring. Pam is representing 4-year research and graduate institutions. There is nothing to worry about in the short term. The national trend is to change the funding formula for higher ed; the cost has shifted to students and raised concern from consumers (voters/parents). UCCS does have a geographical advantage. Community colleges are currently in decline, which is concerning. The Office of Economic Development is moving on the City for Champions initiative, which involves receiving $16.8 million from regional tourist money over a period of years for the building and development of a sports medicine performance complex which will include multi-disciplinary centers of excellence.
Mary Coussons-Read, Provost:
There have been questions about an explanation of the south Denver campus. This is an alternative site to use for offering programs and is available for use by the entire CU system. We are looking to see what we can do with it to supplement programs. The non-tenure track faculty policy is currently in the Provost office for insertion of comments and revisions. It will then go back to the Non-tenure Track Faculty Committee and then through Faculty Assembly and the Associate Deans for review. Mary will now be meeting with the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee in order to increase communication avenues. A faculty retreat is being planned for Spring semester. Kelli Klebe is recruiting a retreat task force and meeting with them.
Susan Szpyrka, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance:
There will be a replacement of the FIS (Faculty Information System) with a new system (Digital Measures) in the Spring and Fall of 2015. Rebecca Marshall in the Institutional Research Office will be conducting this conversion. Basketball season will be starting up soon. The Austin Bluffs construction should be done by November 30, and since that will be the start of winter weather, landscaping work will need to be done in the Spring. The Student Health Center is seeing students regularly. There will be a Gubernatorial Debate between Governor Hickenlooper and Bob Beauprez on Wednesday, October 15 at the Gallogly Events Center at 7:30pm. Tickets are free but required and will be issued based on one ticket per UCCS ID. We are working on a 5-year budget projection for the Regents - 2014 fiscal year will be closed at the end of November. The new VAPA building construction on North Nevada will be really heavy in the summer of 2015.
Katie Kaukinen, Respect on Campus Program Director:
Since Katie was not in attendance, Anna Kosloski distributed handouts on the SaVE Act and told the group about upcoming mandatory trainings: 1) Monday, Oct. 20, 9am - 10am in UC 302; 2) Monday, Nov. 3, 9am - 10am in UC 302; and 3) Thursday, Nov. 20, 4pm - 5pm in UC 302. Trainings for individual departments or colleges can also be arranged.
Kelli Klebe, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Faculty Development:
Reminder that IRB in the Office of Sponsored Programs is available to assist faculty with their research - there are 3 reviewers now and the application form has been changed. There have been audit problems with documentation, so please consult with IRB to avoid those issues. We do have one of the fastest IRBs in the country (10 days).
Officer Reports:
President's Report
Vice-President's Report
No report
Past President's Report
Not present - no report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Has not met yet - following up on issues from last year; drop-add policy process voted on last year will be in place for Spring semester
Personnel & Benefits
Budget Advisory Committee
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women's Committee:
Women's Faculty Brunch will be held on 10/19/14, RSVPs are needed ASAP
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Academic Computing:
Not present - no report
Not present - no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present - no report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present - no report; members are needed
Need one faculty representative on the Bicycle Advisory committee - please try to recruit from your colleges and let us know.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Mark Malone
Seconded by Pam Carter
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m.