October 2016
October 14, 2016
Attendance: David Moon, Barbara Prinari, Maja Krakowiak, Norah Mazel, Rhonda Glazier, Jay Dawes, Kerry Peterson, Lori Notestine, Pam Carter, Jugal Kalita, Michelle Dorne, Suzanne Cook, Ann Amicucci, Stephen Carter, David Havlick, Christi Piper, Michael Landon-Murray, Monica Yoo, Dave Anderson, Melissa Benton
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from September 9, 2016 meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Monica Yoo
Motion passed unanimously with 14 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions
Reports of Visitors:
David Moon, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education & Academic Planning:
The Provost search is in the final phases now with campus visits in process for the candidates. Terry Schwartz is attending a luncheon meeting with one of the candidates at this time and was unable to be here for the meeting. Faculty input is very important so please make every effort to attend the candidates’ campus presentations and submit an evaluation feedback form. Faculty Assembly has also been included on each candidate’s meeting schedule during their campus visit. The HLC Assurance Argument closed this past Wednesday and is now locked down. You can view it but you cannot alter it. The Chancellor will put the documents on her website by October 21 and you can contact David if you want to see the evidence. There are several HLC prep events scheduled – an update conversation will be held on Monday, October 17, from 3:30pm – 4:30pm in the Osborne K-12 Room and mock interview sessions for faculty will be held on Thursday, October 20, from 12pm – 1pm in UC 302 and another session will be held on Tuesday, October 25, from 3:30pm – 4:30pm also in UC 302. There are some changes in undergraduate education: Julaine Field from the College of Education is the new director of Gateway Program Seminar and Sudhanshu Semwal from the College of Engineering and Applied Science is the new director of the Honors Program. The Honors Program is undergoing some changes in being more restrictive and selective in their membership. The Assessment program is also going through some revisions and needs faculty input. There will be a meeting on Monday, October 24, from 1pm – 3pm in UC 126, which is open to all faculty, and possibly a retreat will be held in the spring. We want to broaden our scope and view so we encourage open faculty participation.
Officer Reports:
Vice-President’s Report
No report
Past President’s Report
Not present – no report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women’s Committee:
Women’s Faculty Brunch had few attendees this year; working on a possible lecture series
Teaching with Technology:
Also investigating new learning management system called Canvas, which is proving to be better than Blackboard – demos available 11/16/16
Not present - no report
No report – sorting out membership
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present – no report
Reports from Representatives:
A. Conversation at Clyde’s:
1. Wednesday, November 9, 3:00pm – 5:00pm; Lori Notestine and Christi Piper are the coordinators.
B. Other items:
1. Senior Instructors are concerned about compression; the Chancellor will be meeting with them soon.
Discussion of size and composition of the Faculty Representative Assembly – discussion continued from last month’s meeting and Barbara distributed the attached handout to clearly outline the current situation and proposed resolution. The question was posed on how Faculty Assembly should grow – 1) keep checking and changing the actual number of representatives each year, or 2) follow a specified general percentage rule to determine the number of representatives as the campus continues to grow. Either way, the Bylaws will need to be changed to reflect the method decided upon.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Stephen Carter
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.