September 2005

Faculty Representative Assembly Meeting

September 9, 2005

Attendance: Jenenne Nelson, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Sue Byerley, Ron Fitz, Ann Hickey, Kee Warner, Pam Carter, Valerie Brodar, Pam Shockley, Rick Peterson, Elissa Auther, Livia Gilstrap, Scott Butterfield, Soo Young So, Heather Albanesi, Harriet Napierkowski

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from May 2005 by Bob Durham

Seconded by Kee Warner

Motion passed unanimously.

Reports of Visitors:

Chancellor Pam Shockley

Forums will be scheduled about the 7year plan which includes funding for faculty, staff and capital projects. The new master plan presumes that the College Opportunity Fund stays in place. The outcome of Referendums C & D will also impact the plan, but no matter the outcome, we need to know where we are headed and be more proactive about our future.

Yesterday was census date. We had a record breaking incoming freshman class of 1030 students. However, graduate enrollments are down.

The Gates Family Foundation will be giving 1 million dollars for a new science and engineering facility.

The Heller Center will be renovated with funds from the property in Montana that was sold from the Elizabeth Taylor Trust.

The North Nevada project is on hold until the Doug Bruce lawsuit is settled.

Officer Reports (system wide):

President’s Report

Training for grants and contract, if you are a PI or co-PI you need to take this training.

Vice President’s Report No Report

Past President’s Report No report

Reports From Standing Committees:

EPUS: Report
Have not met yet this year

No report

Personnel and Benefits
We are working an evaluation of campus administrators.
The faculty retreat should be a good opportunity for us to get some input into issues such as salary.

Minority Affairs Committee

Meeting on September 23.
Women’s Committee

No report

IT Advisory Council

Jerry Wilson and Jackie Crouch have been working on a strategic plan for IT security on this campus. They will be presenting a rough draft to the IT Advisory Council next month.  The pay for print proposal will not go into effect due to tuition increases. The portal is on hold, will be back on track in a few weeks. The new web site was launched in August.

Non Tenured Track Faculty

We would like to form a non tenured track faculty task force, to look into what is going on with NTTF.

Research Council

No report


No Report

Teaching Excellence Committee

No report

Sustainability Committee


Athletic Department

No report


We should refer the Base Salary Initiative to the Faculty Research Committee, Teaching Excellence Committee, and Personnel and Benefits. We need to see if the BSI will work outside the model of the medical school.


Request by the Sustainability Committee for a concept paper for energy conservation/alternative work options.

The Executive Team has ideas for a concept paper on Civility in the Classroom.

There was some discussion about whether or not faculty needs to take more of a stand on this issue. It was decided that the faculty should be surveyed.

Announcements and Information

Jenenne Nelson reported on the progress of the Tenure Review Process. There will be an internal and an external audit of the whole tenure process. The internal committee has been selected. She also reported putting together an outline for hiring faculty that will be tenured, developing a criteria for what we will look for in hiring new faculty.

Presidential Search: The committee received charge from regents on what they want in a president. The committee hasn’t meet as a group yet.


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2.00 pm.