September 2007
September 14, 2007
Attendance: Amy Silva-Smith, Ron Fitz, Tom Napirekowski, Josh Dunn, Jim Null, Pam Carter, Lindy Crawford, Jane Muller, David Anderson, Monique French, Morgan Shepard, Sonja Tanner, Tom Zwirlein, Charles Shub, Jackie Berning, Kelli Klebe, Suzanne Cook, Ilse Stratton, Paul Sondrol, Andrea Czaplewski, Judy Rice Jones
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
Reports of Visitors:
Robert Wonnet:
Discussed Coordinating with Boulder to build International Programs at UCCS.
Suzanne Cook:
Discussed the need for an Office of International Programs on this campus.
Kee Warner:
Discussed the “Campaign for Inclusive Engagement” to bridge Student Success with Academic Affairs; “Learning Communities” in the Dorms; More Community Service for Students; Creation of a task force to deal with pedagogy.
Justin Baily:
Discussed possible Faculty to sit on the Scribe Advisory Board (see handout).
Jackie Berning:
She urged faculty to go to Graduation, as attendance is atrocious.
President’s Report (to be attached)
Vice-President’s Report (No Report)
Past-President’s Report:
Tom N. asked the Assembly members to attend campus meetings on financial commitments to the Academic Strategic Plan
Reports From Standing Committees:
There was discussion of the Faculty L list, as well as possible changes in Comprehensive Review Process.
Personnel and Benefits:
The committee has yet to meet, but Tom Zwirlein noted that our Health Care Benefit choices are shrinking.
Budget Committee:
Selected Bob Durham as chair, intends to meet 2-3 times a semester prior to UBAC and will proceed as authorized.
Minority Affairs:
Reminded Faculty of Fall Reception for Faculty – 10/19. A discussion of bias in FCQs.
Women’s Committee:
No Report.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Suzanne Cook reminded faculty of an at large meeting for NTT today (Sept. 14). There followed a discussion of Hiring Practices, Grievances, etc. Finally, there was a discussion of a system-wide survey with focus on NTT faculty (service component for raises?).
Library Committee:
No Report.
Academic Computing:
The Campus Wireless project still in process; be patient. Paper page system is up and running this month with charge accounts by the end of October. At least 400 computers are to be upgraded with priority by age and need.
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee:
Campus leaders are pleased with the direction of the Athletics Department regarding grades, retention, etc. Charles Shub noted that eventually the campus with have a big arena near Pulpit Rock.
Sustainability Committee:
Tom Huber is Acting Director of Sustainability. A discussion ensued regarding the recycling program.
CU system made the decisions to replace existing w/People Soft/Oracle with implementation by fall, 2010. Steve Ellis is the campus liaison for the project. A discussion of evidence of service for raises followed.
A discussion of the distribution of media/free speech on campus; the Vice Chancellor will come to the October meeting to clarify. A discussion regarding campus/computer security followed.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting.
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.