September 2008

September 12, 2008

Attendance: Jackie Berning, Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Peg Bacon, Brian Burnett, Robert Wonnett, Kee Warner, Barbara Frye, Pam Carter, Michele Companion, Josh Dunn, Kelli Klebe, Bob Durham, Morgan Shepherd, John Harner, Andrew Ketsdever, Monique French, Tabatha Becker, Sue Byerley, Travis Peterson, Andrea Hutchens, Sylvia Martinez, Jenenne Nelson, Ron Fitz, Tom Zwirlein, Eddie Portillos, Suzanne Cook, Sonja Tanner

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from May 9, 2008 meeting by Kelli Klebe
Seconded by Bob Durham
Motion passed unanimously


Reports of Visitors:

Peg Bacon:
Total enrollment this Fall nears 8,000 students (4% increase from last year) with the Freshmen class being the largest ever (over 1,000 students).  Convocation program in August was very successful.

Three new deans this year:  Teri Switzer – Kraemer Family Library; Nancy Smith – Beth-El College of Nursing & Health Sciences; Dan Dandapani – Interim Dean of Engineering & Applied Science.  Two new positions in Academic Affairs:  Michael Larson – Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation; Jenenne Nelson – Dean of the Graduate School.

There are about 30 new faculty members this academic year.  Grad school enrollment decreased from 25% to 14%.

Tenure report recommendations are being examined with both an internal and external group studying it to make the tenure process more transparent.  The RTP Task Force recommendations will be up for vote at the end of October.  There will be a campus forum, presentation and discussion before the vote.

Brian Burnett:
Being up 4.6% on enrollment is very good news, especially since budget was for 2% increase.  State revenues are in holding pattern.  New Science and Engineering building construction is on schedule, with initial start of move-in phases beginning next April.  The Science building will undergo complete renovation 2009-10, with all new labs being constructed in many areas by the Fall of 2010.  The 1,200-seat Event Center should be completed by next December.

Campus housing is 100% full for the first time in campus history, equipped with a waiting list.  Women’s soccer, our 13th sport, kicked off successfully this year.  Our sustainability program is also very successful.  Area high school students have visited our campus to learn more about this topic.

The North Nevada project is moving along well.  Costco is still scheduled to open next October.  Austin Bluffs and Union should open next week.  Campus shuttles have been authorized to go through the surrounding neighborhood when and if necessary due to construction inconveniences.  The shuttle service is well utilized by the campus – many shuttles are completely full.

Statewide comparison in enrollments:  CSU Pueblo is up 13% in enrollments with half the FTE (3000) of us (6000).  Most state colleges/universities’ enrollments are down or flat.  Our transfers from Pikes Peak Community College, which have been significant in the past, are currently flat.  Most out-of-state students are coming from Texas and southern regions of the country, although we are experiencing nationwide student interest.

Robert Wonnett:
Robert introduced Steve Linhart as the new Executive Director of Student Support Services and Judicial Affairs.  The focus will be on positive student responsibility instead of negative conduct.

Bill Huddy, Director for the Center for Excellence in Oral Communication, will be hosting “Speak Outs” on Wednesdays from 12:15pm – 1:00pm to give students opportunities to improve their oral communication skills.

The project to bring the New York Times newspapers to campus is an expensive one and really needs a student group to drive this effort, such as the American Democracy Project.  Brad Bayer, Executive Director Student Life & Leadership, is working hard to develop more student activities on campus.

Pam Shockley-Zalabak:
Appreciation was expressed for everyone’s efforts – enrollment and quality of students are the best ever.  We have the most highly qualified incoming Freshmen by far.

All colleges of UCCS are up in enrollments for the first time in 7 years.  We are up almost 15% in first-time Freshmen and up almost 15-17% in out-of-state enrollments.  The retention rate is 71%, which is the highest in many years.  However, grad enrollment is uneven statewide.

There has also been recognition for students and aid in recruitment with regards to scholarship selection and availability.  However, there is a state supreme court case pending regarding government mill levy freezing which may greatly affect the budget.


Officer Reports:

President’s Report
Report attached

Vice-President’s Report
No report

Past President’s Report
No report


Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:
No report – meeting 9/26/08

Personnel & Benefits:
No meeting yet

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
No meeting yet

Minority Affairs Committee:
They are working on the Distinguished Diversity Scholar Award; looking at FCQ biases; FMAC lunches; newcomer activities, including a newcomer reception on 10/24/08.

Women’s Committee:
There will be a Women’s Welcoming Committee breakfast on 10/04/08.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
No meeting yet – however, there are 21 new non-tenure track faculty this year.

Academic Computing:
PAW prints is working now; there will be 10,000 new campus phone numbers with the 255 prefix starting in January 2009; Blackboard reps are meeting with IT and e-College; a lecture-capturing program is in the works

No report

Intercollegiate Athletics
Women’s new soccer team has started

Sustainability: September Report
O.C. Ferrell is coming to COB to discuss green marketing


Faculty Assembly Representative Meeting agenda items must be given to the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee no later than one week before the meeting.

All colleges should be having discussions within their college regarding the RTP reappointment tenure and promotion task force report.

Kee Warner, Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, reviewed the Ombuds program for UCCS and said that this program is doing well on the Boulder campus.





  1. Faculty Assembly moves to rename the Academic Computing Committee to the Information Technology Advisory Council.  (postponed for clarification)
  2. Faculty Assembly moves to rename the Committee on Women’s Issues to Women’s Committee.  (passed)
  3. Faculty Assembly moves to make the Teaching Excellence Council a standing advisory committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly.  (postponed)
  4. Faculty Assembly moves to make the Faculty Research Council a standing advisory committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly.  (postponed)



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:04 p.m.