September 2009
September 11, 2009
Attendance: Jackie Berning, Andrew Czaplewski, Jim Null, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Josh Dunn, Peggy Beranek, Morgan Shepherd, Michele Companion, Christina Martinez, Sylvia Martinez, Don Morley, Catherine Kelly, Travis Peterson, Andrea Hutchens, Bob Durham, Patricia Keilbach, Amanda Sinclair, Mariyam Thohira, Barbara Frye, Ron Fitz
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from May 8, 2009 meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Jackie Berning
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Peg Bacon:
Student credit hours, a measure of the number of students and the number of courses in which they are enrolled, increased 6.7% this year. Retention is down slightly, but out-of-state student enrollment is up with a retention rate of 53%. Transfer students increased 10% from last year. The academic year opening Convocation ceremony held on 8/19/09 was very successful with a full house in attendance and Dr. Barbara Swaby giving an inspiring opening address. As a result of the program’s success, it was determined that we should highlight our own faculty as presenters of the opening address in future ceremonies.
All colleges have full continuing deans this academic year and the Associate Vice Chancellors in Academic Affairs are also continuing on so the leadership team has some continuity. We have 46 new faculty this year – 17 tenure track and 29 non-tenure track.
There is much grant activity with the stimulus awards coming in from the state. These proposals and alternative funding sources are very helpful to the campus.
The Chancellor presented six budget forums throughout the campus to advise the faculty and staff of the current state of the campus budget. Once the 2-year stimulus funding ends, the “cliff effect” will present a very difficult challenge for the campus budget. The key to fill that drop-off will be enrollment, which is a very important focus for the campus.
We have a full faculty contingent on UBAC this year and most system faculty representation has been filled. In order to meet the growing budget challenges we continue to face, the Leadership Team are introducing several initiatives and making some organizational changes to help meet our immediate and future needs to generate revenue at a very accelerated pace. The initiatives are in the areas of (1) academic innovations; (2) strategic enrollment management; (3) efficiency and effectiveness; (4) innovation/partnerships; and (5) enterprise/business. Peg Bacon will head the academic innovations initiative, the Chancellor will take responsibility for strategic enrollment management, Brian Burnett will lead the efficiency and effectiveness strategies, Martin Wood will lead an innovation/partnership expansion, and Susan Szpyrka will lead the enterprise/business initiatives. All initiatives will have volunteers from throughout the campus contributing to the efforts. If you are interested in any of these efforts, please let Peg know. The academic innovations initiative will be reviewing high school enrollment, dual enrollment, expanding online programs, scheduling of classes, and high impact practices, such as Freshmen Seminar.
Stephanie Hanenberg:
Update on H1N1 – we have seen some cases on campus already but we are not testing for H1N1 and are only treating high risk cases. Students should call the Health Center with questions and they will be screened to determine if they should come in to the Center. Housing students are being taken care of with flu kits, food delivery, sanitation procedures, etc. Faculty should report all flu-like symptoms to Human Resources so they can track exposure and watch for large absenteeism. As flu vaccine supplies arrive, flu shot clinics will be scheduled and announced. Students will receive immunizations first, then faculty and staff. Hand sanitizers are in every classroom and placed throughout public areas on campus; posters on hand-washing and H1N1 information have been placed in all the bathrooms. The El Paso County Health Department is working with us on tracking occurrence patterns of this illness.
Barb Gaddis, Brad Bayer and Carmen Abeyta:
A presentation on student retention was given to the assembly. We had the highest student retention ever last year – 70%, and this year it is slightly lower – 66.7%. We lost some students to community colleges, but we hope to get them back as transfer students. Retention in the colleges is good. It is noted that there is higher retention with declared majors and lower retention with undeclared. We are largely enrollment driven and have a small percentage of housing students. Faculty play a key role in students’ overall experience, and as such, they should set high standards and give students expectations; watch for early alert signs in slipping students; offer tutoring opportunities; schedule department activities; have engaging pedagogies; get involved in Orientation advising, recruitment and mentoring. It has been proven that engaged students perform better scholastically. Faculty should also be more involved with student clubs and organizations and be presenters in the Leadership and Development series. Brad distributed a list of UCCS student clubs and organizations and Carmen talked about the National Society for Leadership and Success, which provides leadership training for students. She urged faculty to work with students to help them achieve their dreams and direct students to programs. An advisor role for faculty is so important and needed for students.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report
Report attached – EPUS and FMAC system vacancies
Vice-President’s Report
Catherine Kelly mentioned that Faculty Assembly elections will take place early next Spring.
Past President’s Report
Jackie stated that Faculty Council asked President Benson to get more faculty input on budget issues.
Reports from Standing Committees:
EPUS Report:
No report – they have not met yet.
Personnel & Benefits:
Don Morley said their first meeting will be held on Tuesday, 9/15/09
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Bob Durham expressed his appreciation for the Leadership Team’s insightful work on the campus budget.
Minority Affairs Committee:
Christina Martinez said that they are still working on the Newcomer interviews from last year. They will be hosting a new faculty reception in October.
Women’s Committee:
No report – no one present
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Suzanne Cook said that they have not met yet, but they are looking for members since they currently only have seven. The presentation she did at New Faculty Orientation in August went well.
Academic Computing:
No report – no one present
No report – no one present
Intercollegiate Athletics:
No report – no one present
Report attached
No report – no one present
Andrew Czaplewski opened general discussion on student retention and recruitment concerns. He stated that it costs 5-10 times more to get new customers (students) than to keep current customers (students). Bob said that declaration of a major is important and faculty should guide students in that process. It is important and motivating to students when faculty learn their names. The new SIS system will be equipped with the ability to download student ID pictures. Other important topics mentioned: 1) create a community within a major, 2) make retention a high priority in department meetings, retreats, etc.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pamela Carter
Seconded by Peggy Beranek
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:42 p.m.