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March 2011

March 2011

March 2011


March 11, 2011


Attendance: Brian Burnett, Peg Bacon, David Moon, Andrea Hutchins, Morgan Shepherd, Peggy Beranek, Katie Kaukinen, Amanda Sinclair, Tabatha Farney, Rita Hug, Bob Durham, Rebecca Webb, Trellis Moore, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Catherine Kelly, Tom Huber, Daniel Worden, Barbara Frye, Lonnie Schaible, Barbara Prinari, Eddie Portillos, Don Morley, Ron Fitz


Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from February 11, 2011 meeting by Andrea Hutchins
Seconded by Rita Hug
Motion passed unanimously


Reports of Visitors:

Pam Shockley:
This is the three-week period when the legislature is in session and we will know what kind of cuts we’ll have.  We are “guardedly optimistic” about the upcoming news.  We should not have any problems with getting rescissions before the end of the year.  We are expecting figure-setting to be done within the next week or two and revenue forecasting should follow soon after that.  So far the agreement on the proportional cut for higher ed is holding.  There has been much discussion outside in the community that K-12 is taking a much deeper cut than higher ed, however that is not entirely true.  Even though they are taking a cut this year, we have absorbed deeper cuts proportionally the last two years whereas they have not.  Their cut is $500 per student whereas our cut is $800 per student.  There is also a difference between the two total systems in size magnitude.  Our budget planning is in good shape and we can hopefully return to a fairly optimistic position in the near future.

In order to better position ourselves as a top-ranked institution, UCCS needs to incorporate research into our role and mission; therefore, we are changing our role and mission to include research.  This step will better clarify our overall role and mission.

The ISIS system persists in exhibiting some problems, however, we continue to see qualified students coming from within and out of state as indicated by the student applications we receive on paper.


Peg Bacon:
The Graduate School hosted an Open House on Thursday, March 10, which resulted in a very good turnout.  The General Education Phase II Taskforce co-chairs are Tom Gruen, Christina Jimenez and Jeff Ferguson.  Their task/charge is to develop the curriculum to meet the approved goals.  Mountain Lion Research Day is Friday, April 1.  The CU Diversity Summit, which was held on our campus for the first time on February 4, was very successful as well as the CU Women Succeeding Symposium, also held on our campus for the first time on January 25.  There will be a campus reception on Thursday, March 17 to celebrate this year’s Thomas Jefferson award recipient, Associate Dean Terry Schwartz.


Brian Burnett:
Last year Senate Bill 3 passed, which indicated that higher ed needed to prepare for a 50% cut in state funding and we took steps to plan accordingly.  However, there have not been any obvious indications that this will be the case and we are cautiously optimistic.  Governor Hickenlooper’s revised request of a $36 million cut was accepted by the legislature, which is lower than expected.  Next Friday is when the revenue forecast is made available, which is used for setting the next fiscal year budget.  The state is attempting to restore the 4% reserve that was in place before the economic downfall which lowered the reserve to 2.1%.  The stimulus money is depleted and the loss of property tax was a big hit.  The state support is $18 million when it used to be $24 million and it could lower to $16 million.  The Chancellor will be giving several campus forums on the budget after Spring Break.  We should know how the budget looks by the end of April.  Campus governance will be involved in addressing the usage of the state-funded money.


Officer Reports:

President’s Report
No report

Vice-President’s Report
Faculty Assembly elections are in process and voting will close at 5pm on March 18.

Past President’s Report
No report – not present


Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:
Report attached – next month should be voting on Student Academic Ethics Code

Personnel & Benefits:
Report attached (also see New Business and Motions)

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Report attached

Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached

Women’s Committee:
Faculty survey participation is encouraged; there is still a small amount of money available for mini-grants

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached

Academic Computing:
Report attached

No one present – no report

Intercollegiate Athletics:
No one present – no report

All-campus read book (No Impact Man) is gaining momentum – LAS planning committee will be using it; watch e-mail for a faculty discussion of usage of this book in the fall to be held at the Heller Center

No one present – no report






Discussion Item
Proposed changes to the Board of Regents Laws and Policies regarding Dismissal for Cause (see Personnel & Benefits report for full disclosure)



  1. “Whereas the University routinely fails to accept Privilege and Tenure recommendations, the UCCS Faculty Assembly does not support the EPUS alternate motion on dismissal for cause that eliminates the requirement that the university pay a year’s severance.  Instead, the UCCS Faculty Assembly requests that Faculty Council develop and submit to the Board of Regents an alternate policy proposal that protects faculty rights involving dismissal for reasons that do not involve criminal or illegal activities.”  (motion passed to approve addition of underlined preamble above by vote of 16-yes, 1-no, and 1-abstention)



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Bob Durham
Seconded by Katie Kaukinen
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.



