May 2020
May 8, 2020
Attendance: Venkat Reddy, Tom Christensen, Chuck Litchfield, Mary Coussons-Read, David Weiss, Melissa Benton, Monique French, Andrea Hutchins, Lynn Gates, Margaret Harris, Deborah Kenny, Martin Key, James Van Scotter, Andrea Bingham, Monica Yoo, Diane Stutey, Pam Carter, Darshika Perera, Suzanne Cook, Leilani Feliciano, Claire Rau, Christine Robinson Coon, Kristi McCann, Wendy Haggren, Matthew Jabaily, Michael Landon-Murray, Tabatha Farney, Stephen Suh, Larry Eames, Elizabeth Daniels, Tisha Mendiola Jessop, Dave Anderson, Joel Tonyan
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from April 10, 2020 meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Melissa Benton
Motion passed with 22 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions
Reports of Visitors:
Venkat Reddy, Chancellor:
The Chancellor expressed his appreciation for the leadership and hard work faculty did in moving to remote learning so quickly during the COVID-19 public health emergency. He also thanked FRA President Mary Coussons-Read for her service contribution this academic year. There are two main areas of concentration currently: 1) budget directions, and 2) Fall opening. They are looking at three budget scenarios involving 5%, 10% and 20% reductions and taking actions accordingly. We have three big revenue streams – enrollment, state funding, and auxiliaries. The cuts could go as deep as 20%. We won’t know about state funding until mid-May. There will be no compensation increases. We should have the finals on finances at the June Board of Regents meeting. We are hoping for a federal stimulus bill. Fall enrollment will be a big deal. We are cutting expenses and travel and looking at furloughs and layoffs. All officers of all three campuses are taking a 10% cut in pay effective July 1. We are planning on being open for Fall, following public health guidelines with social distancing and small group size. We will be leaning on our faculty if COVID-19 comes back so that we can react accordingly.
Tom Christensen, Provost:
The Provost thanked the assembly members for their service this academic year. We have two new deans starting this summer: 1) Karen Markel, new College of Business Dean starts June 1, and 2) Lynn Vidler, new College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Dean starts July 1. Since Martin Garnar, our KFL Dean, will be leaving campus soon, new Interim Dean leadership will be announced shortly. All CU Provosts from all the campuses have been meeting to discuss Fall semester. Everyone is in the same boat trying to predict what will happen in the Fall. There are several issues to consider, e.g., social distancing reduces classroom capacity. The recovery team is looking at these issues and we hope to have more clarity in June. We appreciate Faculty Assembly taking action in distributing a faculty survey to encourage their participation in these decisions. During the summer, we will try to return some research faculty to campus. The usage of WebEx and Teams with classes will be important in order to follow social distancing guidelines. A national survey is showing a 10-30% reduction in college enrollments.
Chuck Litchfield, Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance:
The Vice Chancellor also thanked the representatives for their service in Faculty Assembly this year. In addition, he expressed his appreciation for being proactive in surveying the faculty regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency and its consequences and preparations needed for campus instruction. The information gathered will really aid our recovery teams. Enrollment is slightly ahead for summer – better than we thought, even with the remote instruction in place. Fall enrollment is 20% lower compared to last year and we may have to accept the reality of bringing it up to 10%. The sooner the system makes a clear announcement about Fall, the sooner students will then decide. We think we can make this fiscal year strong enough to close. Revenue reductions for next year of 5, 10, or 20% will really impact auxiliaries with social distancing practices. Their revenues go to pay their operating income – they are a stand-alone area. There is a substantial amount of debt that would need to be realized (tuition revenue - $120 million; base operating fund - $170 million; reduction of $11 million in enrollments; state money undetermined; auxiliaries - $3.5 million). This past year we had a $5 million deficit. Now, with hits from COVID-19, we’re looking at a deficit of $20-$30 million range, with significant impacts that will hit all areas. We will have to dip into reserves and we’re lucky to have them. It is good to be part of the CU system to give us some options, such as budgetary actions on campus (office supplies, furniture, travel); eliminate fail safes; reduce utility costs ($50-$100 thousand/month); reduce controlled maintenance (can’t fix things temporarily); reduce operating costs by having remote campus work; reduce institutional aid, but that would affect our mission. Some compensation steps include no compensation increase; set up a Position Review Committee for salary savings – open positions are $6 million. We are more liberal in filling faculty positions and eliminating new staff positions. We are also looking at other compensation impacts, including furloughs and layoffs as last resorts. Since office phones are not being used, we are looking at those savings. We are keeping costs down with benefits savings since there will be no annual increases. Faculty promotion funding will still be intact. Along with the faculty survey, there are also a student survey and staff survey in the works.
Elizabeth Daniels, Associate Professor of Psychology:
An idea originated from the Women’s Committee to assemble a study task force of women faculty doing caregiving and the impacts to their faculty time. The intention is to establish an outreach of support. They are looking for task force participant members and a chair. Please contact Beth Daniels for more information.
Officer Reports:
President-Elect’s Report
Faculty survey for Fall closes on Wednesday; FCQs extended through week 15
Past President’s Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Following the process for the Grade Forgiveness policy - it will be back in the Fall
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Not present – no report
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women’s Committee:
Last meeting was in April; Karin Larkin is new chair for 2020-21
No meeting yet
Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present – no report
Committee on Disability:
Not present – no report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present – no report
Reports from Representatives:
The virtual Commencement program will be held on 5/15/20 at 1pm – click on the link and the program is sorted by colleges. You can shout out to students on the chat button.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Lynn Gates
Seconded by Pam Carter
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:31 p.m.