May 2022

May 2022

May 2022


May 6, 2022

Attendance: Venkat Reddy, Kelli Klebe, Suzanne Scott, Rex Welshon, David Moon, Minette Church, David Weiss, Andrea Hutchins, Henriikka Weir, Lynn Gates, Margaret Hunt, Deborah Kenny, Kathy Prue-Owens, Assma Sawani, Martin Key, James Van Scotter, Cortny Stark, Curtis Turner, John Lindsey, Jena McCollum, Craig Bubeck, Suzanne Cook, Kristi McCann, Kathrin Spendier, Dylan Harris, Erica Allgood, Lei Zhang, Ilaheva Tuaone, Matthew Jabaily, Kate Angulski, Farida Khan, Thomas Aicher, Laura Eurich, Larry Eames, Karin Larkin, Dave Anderson

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from April 8, 2022 meeting by Larry Eames
Seconded by Martin Key
Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions

Reports of Visitors:

Venkat Reddy, Chancellor: 
The CU Trustees were on campus today and were very impressed with the campus overall.  Yesterday we had the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Kevin W. O’Neil Cybersecurity Education and Research Center.  The Board of Regents elected Todd Saliman as our new CU President on April 27.  Karl Spiecker started this week as the Interim Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.  As a result of our recent Town Hall meeting and the Future of Work Taskforce report, a “future of work” message was sent out from the Chancellor to help clarify next steps and work options.  We will have a similar type of message sent out soon regarding the Equal Pay Act.  There are three Vice Chancellor searches starting up: one for the VCAF, one for the VCEM and one for HR.  COE Dean candidates are currently on campus.  We are still finalizing budget cut information.  The Engineering Building Annex has hit some negotiation snags with the cost of inflation.  Events are happening on campus again and putting life back into the campus.  Commencement is next Friday on May 13 and I hope you will attend and participate.  Juneteenth is a new holiday to observe and more information will be sent out soon about it.  PPCC is a new challenge as it changes to Pikes Peak State College.

Kelli Klebe, Interim Provost: 
Kelli expressed her appreciation and pleasure in working with Faculty Assembly this year and reminded everyone about our new provost’s arrival on July 1, who is Nancy Marchand-Martella.  The first set of awards from the Faculty Revitalization Program, recommended by the Covid Litigation Taskforce, will go out next week.  The awards will continue to go out for the next three years to get faculty scholarship back in order.  Thank you to everyone who served on committees involving policies.  Some have already started and some will start in the Fall and we will continue to get the rest done.  The IRC promotion policy has been moving along and has now been sent to the Deans.  Academic Affairs has received money this year from the CU President’s office on advancing the strategic plan.  The Grad School has received $1 million per year for the next 5 years for graduate student scholarships.  We received money for research support to help build the infrastructure.  We received money for a faculty affairs support office for the next 5 years to recruit and retain diverse faculty for a total of $6 million for those two endeavors.  Overall we received a total of $20 million for the next 5 years from the President’s office to support Academic Affairs.  We certainly appreciate their support of our activities and programs.  The Deans, Associate Deans and Faculty Assembly Executive Committee all agree and have requested that faculty put their syllabus in Canvas.  Students are asking for more digital access.

Suzanne Scott, Budget Director: 
UBAC shared the attached document for FY23 E&G Budget, which Suzanne reviewed with the Faculty Assembly representatives and discussed in greater detail.

Officer Reports:

President’s Report

President-Elect’s Report
Minette Church shared the attached presentation as a review of the work Faculty Assembly accomplished this year.  She also later sent out the election results for next year.

Past President’s Report
David Weiss thanked everyone for their efforts this year.

Reports from Standing Committees:


Personnel & Benefits

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee

Women’s Committee

IRC Faculty
No report

Teaching with Technology


Intercollegiate Athletics
No report


Committee on Disability
No report

Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities
No report

Committee on Research
No report


Reports from Representatives:




Discussion 1: – Feedback on draft of Professional Rights and Responsibilities
This document has been prepared by the task force based on the discussion of the faculty rights survey from the November meeting.  There is a meeting next Wednesday in which it is expected that this document will be approved.  Then the approved document will return to the Faculty Assembly about the third week of May.



Motion 1: – The Teaching with Technology Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly bylaws be updated to change the committee’s name to Faculty Assembly Committee on Teaching (FACT).
(Motion passed with 23 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)

Motion 2: – The Faculty Assembly Committee on Teaching moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly approve its updated bylaws.
(Motion passed with 23 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)

Motion 3: – The Faculty Minority Affairs Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly bylaws be updated to change the committee’s name to Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee (FEIC).
(Motion passed with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions)

Motion 4: – The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee moves that the Faculty Assembly bylaws be updated to change the name of the Minority Affairs Advisory Committee to Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EIAC).
(Motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)

Motion 5: – The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly approve its updated bylaws.
(Motion passed with 21 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Karin Larkin
Seconded by Craig Bubeck
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.