February 2016
February 12, 2016
Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Terry Schwartz, Susan Szpyrka, Monique French, Barbara Prinari, Michele Companion, Bita Rivas, Mark Malone, Tom Zwirlein, Jay Dawes, Kerry Peterson, Jill Bradley-Geist, Monica Yoo, Pam Carter, Ceil Malek, Suzanne Cook, Ann Amicucci, Stephen Carter, Cerian Gibbes, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Norah Mazel, Dave Anderson, Jackie Berning, Emilie Vrbancic
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from December 11, 2015 meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Michele Companion
Motion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
We had good participation in the campus Strategic Plan Input Day held on January 26 with over 1300 comments posted. Next week when the Regents are on campus we will be taking summaries to them and they will have a chance to submit their input. We will then assimilate that information and send it back out to the campus in March with suggested revisions. In April we will make revisions and send it back to the Regents for a vote. We were not reviewing all areas in this process – only areas where significant change needs to take place. This is an update for the revision piece for the Higher Learning Commission and it needs to be completed by September. Next week at the Board of Regents meeting we will be presenting the first pass at the budget, which is very tight for the upcoming year. There are enormous differences on the CU campuses. Right now based on where our revenues are and based on projected tuition, we are looking at a 1.6 salary pool with .4 for promotions. Boulder is at 2. Denver is not in the base and is looking for one-time money to cover. We don’t have the revenues. In general our budget looks stable, but we still don’t know whether the hospital provider fee is going to revenues instead of fees into the general fund. We’ve had trouble with the athletic training bill because we have to have licensed athletic trainers, which creates many issues, especially when visiting other states where this is not required. We have more applications from first-time freshmen (about 10,600 applications) for next Fall, which is stronger than last year. For the first time in our history, we are the #1 school in the state for new applications for students. Our #1 competitor is the Colorado School of Mines, with CSU Fort Collins #3 and Denver University #4. We will be making announcements soon concerning the status of the Provost position. Work is being done to fund three intercampus programs for online technology.
Terry Schwartz, Acting Provost:
The attached document was sent out to the faculty e-mail list to encourage faculty to promote the Excel Centers with their students. It has been shown that students who use the Excel Centers do better in their studies and also there is a clear indication of better retention rates. At the beginning of March, a draft of the HLC Assurance Argument will be distributed electronically so that faculty can read it and provide input. It is important to have the faculty review and comment on this material. We will have two dean comprehensive reviews occurring now, which is early. They will be for Peter Braza and Kelli Klebe. We have invited Faculty Assembly to nominate people to be on the review committees. Next week on Thursday afternoon (March 18) at the Board of Regents meeting, the Regents will vote on sabbaticals.
Susan Szpyrka, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance:
We are putting in some changes in how policies are managed and moving to a more structured process. This process will take about a year to put in place due to the HLC accreditation visit. Because of their visit, policies will not be able to be revised until after their visit since the policies will be locked down for their review and cannot be changed. We are creating a policy dictionary and we’re checking a lot of policies currently. We will publish policy reviews in a cycle – every policy will be reviewed every three years. All policies will be red-lined when practical. The compensation pool is 1.6, with .4 for promotions. Tuition fees will go to the Board of Regents on February 19 and approval is not received until April. Freshmen and Sophomores pay the same; the tuition tables change at Junior year and with college program entrance. The athletic training room has been moved out to the new expanded Recreation Center. Vending commissions have been declining since 2011. Some of the reasons for this are due to eliminating bottled water sales; healthier eating choices; and, better and healthier food options available through Dining and Food Services. These vending revenues support the Faculty Dependents’ Scholarships, SEEDS (Staff Enrichment and Development Subsidy), and the Will Fowler Scholarship for students – all very worthwhile benefits for faculty, staff and students. Since our new Dining and Food Services department is doing well, they will replenish the shortages in each of those benefits. Please make note of the changes in the Metro bus service to campus effective May 1, 2016. There will be a gap in summer service, but it will return for Fall 2016.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report
Please see IRB Memo Addendum
Past President’s Report
Still working on mentoring, information flow and transparency
Reports from Standing Committees:
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women’s Committee:
We are reviewing our committee bylaws and revisions; we are creating a new award; call for mini grants will be going out in April
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Have not met yet – no current report
Not present - no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
No update at this time – meeting on 2/25/16
Have not met yet – no current report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities
Reports from Representatives:
A. February Conversations at Clyde’s:
1. This month’s date is Thursday, February 18, 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
2. Valerie Brodar and Barbara Prinari are the coordinators.
B. Other items:
1. Academic Office Building – concerns have been expressed about the possible health hazards with the building and formaldehyde levels. Terry Schwartz said that studies are being done and she will send a report to Monique and inform Susan Szpyrka.
Motion 1:
The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee moves to approve Monica Yoo as the UCCS Campus Representative to fill Barbara Frye’s position on the CU System Faculty Council. Barbara Frye has taken an Associate Dean position within the College of Education, and therefore, can no longer serve as a UCCS delegate to the council.
(Motion passed unanimously with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Michele Companion
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.