September 2010
September 10, 2010
Attendance: Andrew Czaplewski, Peg Bacon, Gary Reynolds, David Moon, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Catherine Kelly, Morgan Shepherd, Katie Kaukinen, Don Morley, Tom Huber, Tom Napierkowski, Andrea Hutchins, Rita Hug, Bob Durham, Tabatha Farney, Trellis Moore, Sheri Trumpfheller, Eddie Portillos, Lonnie Schaible, Lesley Ginsberg, Daniel Worden, Janice Gould, Ron Fitz
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from May 14, 2010 meeting by Andrea Hutchins
Seconded by Andrew Czaplewski
Motion passed unanimously
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley:
Today is census day and we have definitely made our budget targets, even though some troublesome issues with ISIS created a dim picture this past summer. We will start meeting next week with UBAC to discuss this year since this is our cliff year where we will get cuts. By November 2, we must submit a 50% base cut plan required by the state and every effort is being made for CU not to be disproportionately cut.
A prominent community member and long-time supporter of UCCS, Jim Berger, has established another major campus scholarship. In appreciation and recognition for his generosity and support, the UCCS Ballroom (Old Gym) will be named James C. Berger Hall in a naming and dedication ceremony to be held on Tuesday, September 14.
The 1000th Reach Your Peak student graduated, which is an indication of the program’s success. For the first time in our history, we are in 4th position in the state with total number of graduates, which is more than UNC. Our graduation rates continue to exceed our national peers and we are able to accomplish this with 50% of the staff of our peers. The ratio of tenure-track to non-tenure track faculty is pretty even while our peers have more non-tenure track faculty (60/40 to our 50/50).
Our strategic plan will be coming out before the end of the calendar year. We need to be both a teaching and research institution. It will be a very difficult spring. Even though we don’t know what our cuts are, we are on target with our planned cuts.
The entire Leadership Team is teaching this semester.
Peg Bacon:
As Pam mentioned, we did have some complications with the new ISIS system for registration this summer, but with good solid teamwork, those issues were resolved and we have approximately 8,911 students this year.
One of our own faculty, Gene Abrams, was the speaker for Convocation this year and the ceremony was very successful and uplifting for the incoming freshmen class as well as our new students, faculty and staff.
Homer Wesley is our new Vice Chancellor of Student Success and Enrollment Management and faculty member David Fenell is the Interim Dean of the College of Education. We have 33 new faculty members this fall – 14 tenure-track and 19 non-tenure track. We also had 116 faculty submit 209 grant proposals.
The various task forces have submitted recommendations based on their work and those items are now open for presentation and discussion. The General Education task force will be making a presentation at this meeting today and the Course Scheduling Alternatives task force has recommended that 15 minutes be scheduled between classes instead of the current 10-minute interval. In order to accommodate this scheduling change, classes would need to start at 7:30am and finish at 10:00pm. They are also looking at increasing the number of undergrad programs online.
Gary Reynolds:
The remodeling of the old Science Building has been completed as of August 19, 2010 and it has also been rededicated and renamed to Centennial Hall. The redesign of this building and new auditorium is impressive. There is also an outdoor amphitheater with seating for 30-35 students plus a xeriscape garden that can be used for outside instruction.
The Heller Center, which encompasses 35 acres north of campus, consists of 4 buildings which have been remodeled to host small events. The project was funded by donations.
Two large-tiered classrooms with a capacity for 58 students each have been created in the Science & Engineering Building. There is new directional signage in place on campus and new banners have been hung to decorate the newly completed pedestrian spine and along parts of Austin Bluffs Parkway and Nevada. Clyde’s Pub renovation will be completed and unveiled on September 28, 2010. This gathering spot will be the host for many student, faculty and staff get-togethers along with the newly revived program, Café Scientifique, beginning November 9. Another area that has been redone is the area by Alpine Village, which can now be used for barbeques and outside parties.
Tamara Moore and Carla Fleury:
The new cap and gown program was presented to the assembly whereby faculty, staff and students will have the option to purchase their caps, gowns and hoods instead of renting them. The advantages to this system were outlined, including the benefits of selling as opposed to renting these items for the Bookstore. By selling them, the Bookstore will be able to keep caps and gowns in stock all year round and last minute walk requests will be easily accommodated since these items will be available for sale on site. Late fees would be eliminated and graduates would be able to arrange photo opportunities at their convenience since the caps and gowns would be owned by them and they would not have to worry about returning them after the ceremony.
Environmentally-friendly gowns would be sold so that they are recyclable and support campus sustainability goals. Bins will be available following commencement for students who wish to recycle their gowns. Gowns for sale are washable and don’t require dry cleaning chemicals. The Bookstore will purchase a cap and gown for faculty the first time they march to encourage faculty participation at commencement. This cap and gown purchase program has been approved by the Leadership Team and Student Government and will be implemented for the December graduation ceremony.
Mark Malone:
As the new chair of Faculty Council this year, Mark will try to attend as many committee meetings as possible. He said that the regents indicated there was a gender expression issue and they were trying to create new language with a lot of personal examples cited in discussion. In the end, it was decided that the current language does cover state law requirements. It was noted that the UCCS campus works best with shared government. It was also mentioned that the Faculty Council Chair, the Staff Council Chair and the Student Government Chair no longer attend CU system executive level meetings.
Susan Taylor and Steve Tragesser:
A presentation was given to the assembly regarding the General Education Task Force’s work with General Education goals and requirements at UCCS.
Tom Napierkowski:
Tom is the UCCS campus representative on the system-wide P&T committee. This is the grievance committee of the system – the conscience of the university – which protects faculty privileges. There is a chair on each campus plus the system-wide chair. Their purpose is to have a presence on campus to work with the local representative to resolve problems before going to hearings. Cases have dropped in number system-wide.
David Moon:
A chart was distributed to the assembly comparing current class schedules with proposed changes to increase “travel time” between classes. A discussion ensued on the pros and cons of the overall impact of these proposed class schedule changes. Changes to the schedule involve and affect everyone on campus, so this issue is being discussed in many areas. Student government is discussing what affect these proposed schedule changes would have on students and it was highly encouraged for faculty to discuss this issue in their own departments and colleges.
Officer Reports:
President’s Report
Report attached
Vice-President’s Report
No report; asked if anyone could fill in for 2 CU system budget committee meetings; Pam Carter indicated possibility of her ability to do this
Past President’s Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
EPUS Report:
Will be meeting this week to review 1) Student Academic Ethics Code (Rex Welshon is composing a draft), 2) General Education Task Force work and, 3) FRPA
Personnel & Benefits:
No report
Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget:
Have not met yet; still no money
Minority Affairs Committee:
Report attached
Women’s Committee:
The Annual Meeting of the Women's Committee for all women faculty and associates has been announced. It is scheduled for Sunday, 12 September 2010, from Noon-2pm. Provost Peg Bacon has graciously agreed to host our meeting. The Women's Committee will soon be sending out an announcement for Fall Mini-Grants. These grants support research by and about women. Please check your email for the call for these competitive mini-grants.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
Report attached
Academic Computing:
Report attached
No one present – no report
Intercollegiate Athletics:
No one present – no report
Books suggested for all-campus read are being surveyed
Have not met yet
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Andrew Czaplewski
Seconded by Katie Kaukinen
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.