December 2011


December 9, 2011

Attendance: David Moon, Katie Kaukinen, Andrea Hutchins, Catherine Kelly, Amanda Elder, Tom Napierkowski, Bob Durham, Jeff Spicher, Morgan Shepherd, Julaine Field, Pam Carter, Rebecca Webb, Michele Companion, Suzanne Cook, Hilary Smith, Beth Kumar, Barbara Frye, Christina Martinez, Edgar Cota-Torres, Trellis Moore, Janet Sauer, Janel Owens, Dave Anderson, Ron Fitz

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from November 11, 2011 meeting by Andrea Hutchins

Seconded by Michele Companion

Motion passed unanimously

Reports of Visitors:

Pam Shockley:

Brian Burnett is attending budget meetings today in Denver. We are still expecting a budget cut of $1.5 million in Financial Aid with a $3 million base cut budget. The revenue picture is slightly better in Colorado, but we are planning on the upper end of the cut. Retention rates are improving and we are attracting new students. The Strategic Planning process is moving rapidly. Most sub plan drafts will be ready in early spring. We will thoroughly examine the academic plan along with the budget plan and technology infrastructure plan, which are also important. All strategic plan parts will need to be reviewed as the future evolves. Please commit in early February to review the Strategic Plan. The CU Hospital is bidding for Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital to serve as a CU branch medical school campus at UCCS. If successful, this acquisition would bring several million dollars in research to campus and would be tremendously important to the community and UCCS. This would be a major development for our students - our proposal is ranked #1.

David Moon:

The new electronic format for the FRPA report in FIS is coming in January. It should be easy to use and trainings will be offered to faculty and staff. The General Education Retreat in November went very well with a good turnout. The General Education taskforce may periodically reach decision points and the faculty will be consulted as those times arise. We have had a few faculty coffee discussions as follow-up conversations after the retreat. Course scheduling is being reviewed by a Leadership Team group since parking is very tight. The tightest time for classes seems to be from 10:50am - 2:30pm on Monday - Thursday. We do have some room to grow with classes since Tuesday is a little lighter, however we may need to spread classes out more and go to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Tuesday/Thursday scenario in order to move enrollments and shift them where necessary. Another recommendation is later afternoon and evening classes to alleviate congestion. The colleges are looking at data results and making adjustments. Considering the budget cuts we have to face, it is important to prioritize our spending and it would cost about $2.6 million over the next 2 years to increase parking accommodations. The Leadership Team is trying to spend judiciously in order to keep faculty and staff.

Officer Reports:

President's Report

No report

Vice-President's Report

No report

Past President's Report

No report

Reports from Standing Committees:

EPUS Report:

No report

Personnel & Benefits:

Will start working next semester

University Budget Advisory Committee:

Report attached

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee:

Report attached

Women's Committee:

Report attached

Non-Tenure Track Faculty:

Report attached

Academic Computing:

No Report


The pods are in place and will be tested during the holiday break.

Intercollegiate Athletics:

No one present – no report


Report attached


Report attached




The Executive Committee of the Faculty Representative Assembly moves that the Bylaws be amended as outlined in Motion 1 and Motion 2 regarding the size and constituency of the Faculty Representative Assembly. These motions are proposed in order to accommodate the growth of the Faculty Assembly and ensure adequate representation of all Colleges/Schools. It was determined that when the Executive Committee reviewed the current distribution of representatives, it was discovered that the colleges were under-represented and the FRA did not meet the 10% size. The current Faculty Representative Assembly is made up of 12 representatives, which represents approximately 6% of the Faculty Assembly. Increasing the number of representatives to 17 would bring the total Faculty Representative Assembly size (including officers, Executive Standing Committee chairs, Regular Standing Committee chairs, and At-large System Council Members) to a total of 30 members from the current 25, representing approximately 7.5% of the Faculty Assembly. Changing the size range to 5-10% was deemed to allow continued flexibility to accommodate anticipated growth of the Faculty Assembly.


  1. Motion to change wording under Section II Representative Assembly (F) to the following: “The size of the Representative Assembly (approximately 10% the size of the Faculty Assembly) [shall be approximately 5-10% of the Faculty Assembly and] should be reviewed and revised periodically, as needed.”

(passed unanimously with no oppositions and no abstentions)

  1. Motion to change wording under Section II Representative Assembly (D. 1. a-g) to the following:

D. “Twelve [Seventeen] members providing proportional representation from the colleges, schools, and library.

1. The number of representatives from each academic unit shall be:

a. College of Business – two

b. College of Education – one [two]

c. College of Engineering and Applied Science – two

d. College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences – four [seven]

e. Library [Kraemer Family Library] – one

f. Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences – one [two]

g. Graduate School of Public Affairs – one”

(passed unanimously with no oppositions and no abstentions)



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Jeff Spicher

Seconded by Michele Companion

Motion passed unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.