March 2015
March 13, 2015
Attendance: Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Mary Coussons-Read, David Moon, Tamara Moore, Michele Companion, Mandi Elder, Tom Zwirlein, Margaret Harris, Susan Finke, Pam Carter, Suzanne Cook, Curt Holder, Lisa Hines, Cerian Gibbes, Karen Livesey, Stephanie Spratt, Anna Kosloski, Stephany Spaulding, Norah Mazel, David Havlick
Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes from February 13, 2015 meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Anna Kosloski with following corrections:
Corrections to minutes:
- Grammatical error in Mary Coussons-Read's statement - "There is an Undergraduate Research Steering Committee whose looking at what do we do with what's going on already and a progress report is being framed for distribution." (correction: who's)
- Correction to Adjournment motion - "Seconded by Stephany Spaulding" (correction: Stephanie Spratt)
Motion passed as amended with 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention
Reports of Visitors:
Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor:
First issue to report is that there was a dramatic move on the part of the AMA to increase practical nursing hours from 1000 to 1800, which is practically impossible. It was defeated though, and was simply a restriction on the number of people who would be licensed, which would not be helpful to the community already in need. Update on HB 1319 discussions - looks like the funding formula will hold through the legislative process the way we want it to be. The El Paso county business community has been a good supporter and they have supported us 100% of the time over the past decade. There will be a vote after March 18 on the final funding for the capital projects to go into the Long Bill. We have the $9.6 million to finish the VAPA building project in that bill. There will be 4 higher ed projects funded out of 403 on the list. Chair Hybl is looking at ranges of options on compensation and tuition increases; there definitely is a national concern on tuition increases. We are probably in a decent position to get most of what we are asking for, but probably not all of it. We want to raise $1,965,000.00 this year in new money for scholarships in honor of our 50th anniversary. This Fall we still had a $7 million unmet need for our students, mainly due to the disproportionate number of low and middle income student body. We are the only institution in Colorado where our Pell-eligible students graduate at the same rate as the majority population. Finally, our women's basketball team for the first time in history will be playing in the national tournament today and the men's basketball team will be playing in the nationals tomorrow.
Mary Coussons-Read, Provost:
We currently have 2 Dean searches underway - SPA Dean candidates are visiting campus now and the Library Dean search is just starting. The non-tenure track multi-year faculty contract goes to Leadership Team one more time and then goes out for another 30-day comment period. Title IX issues have been surfacing and the Office of Institutional Equity has been contacted several times with different questions including whether this should be included in the class syllabus. We probably need to develop some best practices for handling these issues - training needs to be revised and will need to be taken again. Anyone perceived as a responsible party has the responsibility to report. This will need to be an important faculty discussion. Mountain Lion Research Day is April 3 in Gallogly Events Center. We are involved in several grant initiatives, including the NSF ADVANCE grant with an emphasis on developing programs for women in STEM and changing campus climate.
Tamara Moore, Executive Director for Auxiliary Services - Operations:
For the first time in UCCS history, both the men's and women's Mountain Lion basketball teams will play for national championship. The student athletes may be out till next Tuesday (women) and Wednesday (men). The Board of Regents Special Meeting will be held on March 30 to discuss tuition and compensation issues. We are requesting a 3.5% increase in undergraduate resident tuition and a 3% compensation pool for faculty/staff. Newsome Development has filed a plan to develop 3 private properties east of campus and north of Cragmor Village Road, which will contain about 150 apartments for upper classmen. GG Land Group wants to build a 520-unit apartment complex for upper classmen where the defunct Bates Elementary school is located. Regardless of your personal opinion concerning these land developments, you are reminded that as a state employee of UCCS, you are not allowed to express an opinion - as a public entity, UCCS must remain neutral on private developments. UCCS has no immediate plans to build additional housing after the 515 spaces at the Village at Alpine Valley (292 of those beds will open this Fall). We will be focusing on providing housing for the first year experience.
Don Eldhart, CU Treasurer and Alexis Kelly, Office of the Treasurer:
A presentation was given to the assembly regarding the Faculty Housing Assistance Program. The program was originally developed to address the Boulder housing situation and has since expanded. The program currently is only available to tenure and tenure-track faculty.
Officer Reports:
Vice-President's Report
Elections go live next week
Past President's Report
No report
Reports from Standing Committees:
Not present - no report
Personnel & Benefits
Retirement plan transition meetings are being held on the campuses
Faculty Minority Affairs Committee
Women's Committee
Spring workshop is scheduled for 4/24, 9:30am - 11:30am at Heller
Non-Tenure Track Faculty:
No report; survey response has been good for non-tenure track faculty regarding climate on campus
Teaching with Technology
Meetings will begin next month
Not present - no report
Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities :
Not present - no report
- Representatives' Reports - none
- Privilege and Tenure Committee - core group who work on policy, investigate grievances, assemble panels to address cases
- Motion 1 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Tom Napierkowski be appointed to serve a term from 2014-2017 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
(Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention) - Motion 2 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Richard Dukes be appointed to serve a term from 2015-2017 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
(Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention) - Motion 3 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Lynda Dickson be appointed to serve a term from 2015-2018 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
(Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention) - Motion 4 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Rebecca Laroche be appointed to serve a term from 2015-2018 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
- (Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)
- Motion 5 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Donald Morley be appointed to serve a term from 2015-2016 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
(Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)
- Motion 1 : Faculty Assembly Executive Committee recommends Tom Napierkowski be appointed to serve a term from 2014-2017 on the Privilege and Tenure Committee.
Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Mandi Elder
Seconded by Stephany Spaulding
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.