March 2021

March 2021

March 2021


March 12, 2021

Attendance: Venkat Reddy, Tom Christensen, Chuck Litchfield, David Weiss, David Moon, Minette Church, Andrea Hutchins, Lynn Gates, Joe Craig, Margaret Harris, Deborah Kenny, Monique French, Martin Key, James Van Scotter, Andrea Bingham, Monica Yoo, Diane Stutey, John Lindsey, Darshika Perera, Suzanne Cook, David Havlick, Christine Robinson Coon, Emily Mooney, Erica Allgood, Wendy Haggren, Kirsten Ortega, Matthew Jabaily, Michael Landon-Murray, Thomas Aicher, Glen Whitehead, Stephen Suh, Laura Eurich, Larry Eames, Karin Larkin, Dave Anderson, Joel Tonyan

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from February 12, 2021 meeting by Andrea Hutchins
Seconded by Deborah Kenny
Motion passed with 22 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions

Reports of Visitors:

Venkat Reddy, Chancellor: 
The Provost search is progressing well and we would like to thank the search committee, especially chairs Mary Ann Cutter and Don Rabern.  There were five top candidates, but one candidate dropped out and a second candidate got another job.  We feel we have a very good diverse group remaining.  Please participate in the search process, as it is important to receive your input.  The campus will be a COVID-19 vaccination POD for our faculty, staff and students.  The vaccinations will be distributed on March 30 and April 27 at the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center.  More information will be sent out by campus e-mail.  The Incentive Base Budget model has been delayed, as we need one full year of simulation.  Carlos Garcia is the chair of the newly formed Work Task Force, which will examine new ways of working as a result of the pandemic.  Human Resources is working on hiring practices following the Equal Pay Act legal guidelines.  The online initiative has caused a lot of concern, e.g., how much control will the CU system have; how is money assessed and distributed with online; what kind of online structure will we create; what investments do we need to make, etc.  CU online is a large commercial program and UCCS online programs offer more specific tailor-made fields, which offer flexibility for faculty and students.  For more details, please refer to the attached MSA, which we are planning to sign.  Our goal is to provide stronger services and good structure.

Tom Christensen, Provost: 
A reminder that we will be taking the second part of Spring Break on 3/22-3/23/21.  Summer semester will be a mix of on-campus and remote classes.  Our original outlook for Fall semester was pessimistic, but now we are re-doing the Fall schedule to allow for all teaching modalities and encouraging in-person classes with full capacities.  Instructor promotions and instructor multi-year contracts are being reviewed by EPUS and P&B, as well as the Deans.  The Provost has the authority to grant a tenure clock stop, which was done last year and allowed for the current year, along with the option to change back.  More information should come out next week.

Chuck Litchfield, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance: 
We are closing in on the MSA signature timeline.  The program sheets need to be reviewed closely.  We are expecting some sort of vote on tuition increases, fees and merit increases from the upcoming Board of Regents meeting.  There is discussion taking place on minimum wage / living wage.  We pay $12.32/hour as minimum wage now and the living wage is currently $15.79/hour for our county and Teller county.  Minimum wage and living wage are different; the aspirational wage is the living wage without struggle.  CU Denver must move their minimum wage, which mostly impacts their hourly wage employees.  We are looking at what positions on our campus will be impacted by this, including the possibility of impact to our lecturers.

Officer Reports:

President’s Report

President-Elect’s Report

Past President’s Report
Not present - no report

Reports from Standing Committees:


Personnel & Benefits

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee

Women’s Committee:
plus documents and presentation

IRC Faculty

Teaching with Technology

Met with SGA; still working on improving gender marking options in HR system

Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present – no report


Committee on Disability

Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present – no report

Committee on Research

Reports from Representatives:










Motion 1:
The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly move to recommend that the following faculty continue representation on the System Privilege and Tenure committee for a further term: Suzanne Cook, Senior Instructor, Languages and Cultures, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences; Rebecca Laroche, Professor, English, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences; Andrea Hutchins, Associate Professor, Human Physiology & Nutrition, Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
(Motion passed with 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)

Motion 2:
The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee moves that the Faculty Representative Assembly move to approve the formation of a UCCS Retired Faculty Advisory committee (CSRFA) that would send a representative to the system Retired Faculty Association, and address issues specific to retired faculty, which will be described in the committee’s charge.
(Motion passed with 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention)



Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Laura Eurich
Seconded by Larry Eames
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 2:01 p.m.