April 2017

April 2017

April 2017


April 14, 2017

Attendance: Susan Szpyrka, Terry Schwartz, Peg Bacon, Barbara Prinari, Maja Krakowiak, Monique French, Norah Mazel, Andrea Hutchins, Rhonda Glazier, Jay Dawes, Matt Metzger, Pam Carter, Jugal Kalita, Michelle Dorne, Suzanne Cook, Greg Oman, Stephen Carter, David Havlick, Leilani Feliciano, Kacey Ross, Michael Landon-Murray, Monica Yoo, Christine Robinson, Dave Anderson

Call to Order / Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes from March 10, 2017 meeting by Maja Krakowiak
Seconded by Pam Carter
Motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions

Reports of Visitors:

Susan Szpyrka, Sr. Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance: 
At next Thursday's UBAC meeting (4/20/17) at 9:00am in UC 303, we will be presenting the investments for fiscal year 2018 budget.  The Board of Regents approved the tuition proposal, the fees proposal and 2.5% merit pool.  You can view those Board of Regents meeting minutes here.  We still don't know the state support figure yet for fiscal year 2018 and we don't know about uncompensated merit yet either.  Terry Schwartz, Tom Christensen, Robyn Marschke and I will be conducting a meeting set for Senior Instructors on Friday, April 28, 2017, 2pm - 3pm, in CENT 186 to discuss salary issues.  There will be a follow-up e-mail with information sent to all concerned afterwards.

Terry Schwartz, Interim Provost: 
The search committee for Kee Warner's position will start meeting next week.  It will be an internal search and the salary compensation will be reviewed.  The campus Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI) committee will be circulating through e-mail next week a climate survey to get feedback and guidance for training and education related to ethics and compliance.

Peg Bacon, Provost Emerita / Faculty Relations Manager: 
A new pilot program is being set up for faculty this year from April - December 2017 concerning conflict resolution.  Peg will serve as the part-time Faculty Relations Manager to assist with this pilot program.  Her office hours will be in CRAG 003 on Thursdays from 10:30am - 4:30pm and the best way to contact her is by e-mail, mbacon@uccs.edu.  The program is designed to be an informal, neutral, unbiased, confidential conflict management resource for faculty issues only.  There is no decision-making process involved; it is rather more problem-solving.

Officer Reports:

President's Report

Vice-President's Report

Past President's Report
No report

Reports from Standing Committees:


Personnel & Benefits

Faculty Advisory Committee on the Budget

Faculty Minority Affairs Committee:
Not present - no report

Women's Committee:
No report

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Teaching with Technology

Not present - no report

Intercollegiate Athletics:
Not present - no report


Not present - no report

Misconduct in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities:
Not present - no report

Reports from Representatives:

Miscellaneous items:
1.   Chancellor Search Update - pool had about 80 candidates; 8 candidates interviewed at DIA and 4 candidates will go forward to President Benson.  He will decide who goes on to campus interviews.  He will decide on Monday and tell the committee on Wednesday next week.  Campus visits are being planned for the end of April.

2.   Safety issue concern - are locks on all faculty doors and all classroom doors?  Barbara Prinari will check on this.

3.   Concern over IRB process being revised over the summer - will there be faculty input?  Kelli Klebe will send a clarifying e-mail to Faculty Assembly representatives and the faculty-l e-mail list concerning this matter.

4.   Suggestion to catalogue e-mails into one main daily newsletter instead of individual e-mails.

5.   Faculty workload continues to be an issue - perhaps form a taskforce to review?  Possible Fall topic?


Feedback given on the revised draft of the Guidelines and Procedures for Research Misconduct Allegations.  Preponderance of evidence and standards of allegations were issues of concern; also noted that 67% needed for vote.  Changes made seem to be acceptable.  E-mail comments to Andrea Hutchins / EPUS as soon as possible on this revision.


Motion 1:
The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee moves to suspend the Bylaws in regard to advanced notice for agenda items for one meeting only for the month of May 2017.
(Motion passed unanimously with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions)

Motion 2:
The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee moves to approve the reviewed and updated Student Response Team policy (#600-001).
(Motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions)

Motion 3:
The Educational Policy and University Standards Committee moves to approve the reviewed and updated Winterim and Spring Break Course Offerings and Funding policy (#200-005).
(Motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed and 4 abstentions)


Motion to adjourn the Faculty Assembly Meeting by Pam Carter
Seconded by Andrea Hutchins
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1:49 p.m.